Yearly Archives


Anwar Ibrahim’s days are numbered

S Thayaparan, Malaysiakini “They conclude it was an evil conspiracy to bring down the person in the video, whom they were not able to identify for sure. You can’t be more comical than this.” – …

Fallout at point of no return

Joceline Tan, The Star ANOTHER bombshell has just fallen – the sex video, which has dominated the headlines, is more likely to be authentic than a deepfake. The revelation will further…

Lim Kit Siang sah sakit otak

Lim Kit Siang said Malaysia has transformed into a nation of integrity. Kit Siang must be suffering from some sort of swine fever that has affected his brain. How can he come to that conclusion when…

Pakatan Harapan dan isu LGBT

Mengapa pendirian PH terhadap agenda LGBT begitu mengelirukan? Jawapannya mudah: ia adalah sebahagian daripada manifesto mereka. Oleh itu, seperti hal lain dalam manifesto mereka - nampaknya…

From Sterling Stalwart to Sneaky Snake

The Iskandar Puteri MP should be aware that in this modern age of information technology, networks and development, as long as there is a Google search engine, whatever Kit Siang said about his…

TTTT: Tommy Thomas Talks Tamil

(FMT) - Attorney-General Tommy Thomas today demanded an apology from former prime minister Najib Razak for posting comments about his ongoing corruption and criminal breach of trust trial on…