PKR’s “Unity Government” with PAS and Umno

Saifuddin is actually quite stuck and he does not know how to move forward. The “Unity Government” of PKR, PAS, Umno, PPBM and Amanah may not happen due to too many obstacles preventing it from happening. But this does not mean they are not talking about it. And the one in charge of talking with all the parties is Saifuddin.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Talk of Pakatan-PAS alliance mere speculation, says PKR sec-gen

(MMO) – It is a case of the rumour mill going into overdrive about an alliance between Pakatan Harapan and PAS, said PKR secretary-general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.

Any attempt to bring PAS into PH would require the consensus of PH component parties, he said.

He was of the view that PH does not need PAS as a new ally of the ruling coalition.

PPBM’s Saifuddin Abdullah is also in the loop

“I see it as a political rumour (talk of an alliance between PH and PAS) but I do not see the reasons for PH to accept new membership,” he told reporters when asked about the matter today.

Rumours have been swirling around about a possible alliance between PH and PAS.

Yesterday, Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) deputy president Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub was reported as saying that there was no need for PH to bring PAS onboard.

Amanah is a splinter of PAS. PH is made up of PKR, DAP, Bersatu and Amanah while PAS has forged an alliance with Umno in the hope of unseating PH in the next general election.

Umno-led Barisan Nasional (BN) was defeated by PH in the 14th general election in May 2018.


Hishammuddin Hussein is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s choice of successor

PKR’s Secretary-General, Saifuddin Nasution, has denied that a “Unity Government” with PAS is being planned. That is actually not true because talks are going on in the background for PKR to form a unity government with PAS, Umno, PPBM and Amanah (basically the four Malay-Muslim parties).

For this to happen, DAP and Amanah have to be left out of the equation. If DAP and Amanah are included, then PAS and Umno will not agree to any “Unity Government” with PKR. But this would pose a problem because then the numbers will be short of the required minimum 112 seats in parliament.

Then what to do with the non-Malays in PKR? An all-Malay-Muslim “Unity Government” would have to exclude the non-Malays in PKR and this raises yet another problem.

Saifuddin is actually quite stuck and he does not know how to move forward. The “Unity Government” of PKR, PAS, Umno, PPBM and Amanah may not happen due to too many obstacles preventing it from happening. But this does not mean they are not talking about it. And the one in charge of talking with all the parties is Saifuddin.


