Lim Guan Eng is using racism and Islamophobia to hide his failures

Ismail Sabri Yaakob, The Leaders Online

DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng is simply trying to confuse Malaysians about the ties Umno and PAS share. Lim is being shallow and his statement was uncalled for.

He should not have tried to stoke fears about the so-called Pakatan Nasional. It does not exist. The only cooperation between Umno and PAS is through Muafakat Nasional.

Tell me Lim, are you that scared of Muafakat Nasional and it achievements that you have to stoke public fear against the pact?

Did Lim forget that he is now a government leader? He should not play the politics of perception and behave like an opposition member. He should look into addressing the people’s concerns instead.

Lim claimed that Muafakat Nasional is a ‘war waged against non-Malays’ and a danger to the minority, just like what happened in Kelantan.

To me, the statement was very rude and it can jeopardise our nation’s harmony.

As we can see, the non-Malays and non-Muslims are never left behind in Kelantan. They also assimilate the Malay culture, voluntarily and peacefully.

Why must Lim say that a government dominated by Muslims would lead us to the Dark Ages? As we can see, Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey are among the developing countries.

Besides, Islam teaches to accept diversity and respect one another.

For 61 years, Barisan Nasional governed the country and minorities were given a lot of opportunities. The Chinese controls the economy and Malaysia is the only country that has schools based on race.

It is obvious. The DAP leader is a racist with shallow mindset! He should be directing the Dark Ages jab on communists who like to kill people.

Lim’s statement shows that he is not qualified to be a Malaysian leader as he is an Islamophobic. I wish to remind him that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, as stated in the Federal Constitution.

But I understand why he said all that. Lim is just trying to cover up his failures as a Finance Minister. His failures were made obvious when Bank Negara announced that Malaysia’s economic growth for the fourth quarter of 2019 was only 3.6%, the lowest and worst since 2009.

I urge Lim to apologise to all Malaysians, especially the Malays and Muslims, for his derogatory remark. He also needs to step down as a minister or Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad should just sack him.

If Lim continues to be a Cabinet minister, he will only threaten our unity.

Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob is the Opposition Leader

