Time to stop the political games

Ivanpal Singh Grewal, The Star

THE last couple of months have been very interesting for Gerakan as the party has found itself, perforce, in the political limelight after being in the wilderness since the previous general election.

I also started to receive calls from former friends and those who dismissed me after Barisan Nasional’s loss of power.

The first question I’d usually be asked was; “Is Azmin joining Gerakan?” and the next one would be “Is Gerakan joining Pakatan Harapan?”

As Gerakan is the flavour of the month (or months), many expected some juicy insight. I had to disappoint them as I am no longer part of the party high command as I supported the current president’s rival at the last party election.

I have made my fair share of enemies after being the aide of two former presidents, and now as my rivals ascend to power, my political journey has been suppressed.

However, the words of my mentor guided me. He used to tell me; “before anyone can sack you, sack yourself.”

I did just that and resigned from my positions in the party. However, I retained my position in Selangor Gerakan as I was elected.

Alas, the beauty of politics is in its impermanence.

I also have a solid group of friends and former colleagues who have been unstinting in their support and encouragement.

The personal humdrum aside, it has been exciting times for the political landscape in Malaysia.

The attendance of Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau at a Chinese New Year open house organised by Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin, Azmin’s chief ally, set tongues wagging once again.

While some tried to read this as an attempt by Azmin and Zuraida to tempt fate and provoke a response from their party given their fractured relationship with PKR, I am told Dominic expressed interest to attend the open house even before a formal invite was forthcoming.

Further, this dalliance with Azmin has also got the Gerakan grassroots wound up. Some in the upper echelons of the party enjoy this free publicity – but at the granular level, party members are uncomfortable being in the centre of this vortex.

Some of us – myself included – believe that the party must rebuild as a third force while attracting the best talent we can because there is a general disillusionment with both Pakatan and Barisan. Dominic promised to be equidistant from both Barisan and Pakatan – and that promise must be kept.

Further, I have it from an authoritative source within the party that Azmin has not made any formal offer to Gerakan on membership.

So, while the political rumour mill works overtime with overexcitement, one thing is pretty sure (unless I am being misled) – Azmin has not said either, publicly or privately, that he wants to join Gerakan.

This also does not mean the end of the political games. It is only just beginning.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his waiting successor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim met last week. After the meeting, Anwar released a statement saying Dr Mahathir would make way for him as prime minister after the Apec Summit, slated to be held at the end of November 2020.

It makes sense as Dr Mahathir wants to go out with a “bang” as he did in 2003 after the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit and his remarks that the “Jews run the world by proxy” led to much international indignation. Still, as always, Dr Mahathir thrives in such times.


