Please come back, DAP begs Dr Mahathir

(FMT) – The DAP leadership today said it would call for Dr Mahathir Mohamad to return to the top post at Pakatan Harapan’s Presidential Council emergency meeting tonight.

This comes after Mahathir submitted his resignation letter to the Agong.

“I had seen Tun (Mahathir) this morning in his residence and was surprised when he informed me of his intention to resign,” DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng told the media today at the end of a meeting at his party’s headquarters here.

He said Mahathir disagreed with plans to work with Umno “when we worked so hard to reject Umno successfully in the 2018 general election”.

“DAP commends Tun’s principled position of refusing to work with an Umno whose leaders are involved in corrupt practices and misrule causing Malaysia to be labelled as a global kleptocracy at its worst,” said Lim.

He said Mahathir’s decision to resign was based on principles.

“This is the first time that a Malaysian prime minister is prepared to resign on principle to uphold integrity and combat corruption,” he added.

