Mahathir: a crisis of his own making

Having failed to build a new coalition, he is now asking for the right to rule unhindered by coalition politics and without obligation to the elected representatives of the people in parliament assembled. And with a government entirely of his choosing and completely beholden to him.

Dennis Ignatius

What a mess we are in – no prime minister, a deeply divided parliament, a highly polarized populace and an economy on the edge of recession. How did we go from dancing in the streets in joyous celebration over the rebirth of our democracy to facing the possibility of a new kind of dictatorship?

In a word: Mahathir. This was a crisis entirely of his making.

He could have built a strong, stable and workable coalition after GE14. He had the numbers on his side; he had unparalleled goodwill and support; he had the most multiracial coalition that was ever elected to office.

There was general consensus and popular support too for the kind of policies that should be pursued (the reformasi agenda). It was a solid foundation to build that Malaysia Baru we all so desperately wanted and voted for.

But Mahathir being Mahathir, he played his games and wove his web of political intrigue.

To the chagrin of his partners, he stacked the cabinet with members of his own party. He brought Azmin into the cabinet over the objections of Anwar, empowered him and turned him loose to harass and harangue Anwar. He cast doubts about the succession plan and acquiesced to the campaign – including Hadi’s recent confidence motion – for him to complete his full term.

He unashamedly courted the very UMNO politicians that so many despised in a bid to outflank PKR and DAP. And when that failed, he played the race card against his own coalition partners, sponsoring the Malay Dignity Congress, endorsing all the asinine talk that the Malays had lost power, that Malay disunity had allowed the DAP to become powerful.

Why would a prime minister with a comfortable majority in parliament, with a multiracial, multiparty coalition behind him see the need to play such invidious games unless he had other ambitions?

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