Malays must unite behind Muhyiddin Yassin

Never again. Now that the country is back under Malay-Bumiputera control, we have to defend the Malay-Bumiputera political domination with blood if necessary. Let’s not be bullied and threatened by the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan. It is time to put them in their place and remind them from where they came. Hidup Melayu! Hidup Islam!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Let’s give Muhyiddin Yassin a chance. By next week, insya-Allah (God willing), he should be able to announce his new Cabinet. Then we shall see how they perform.

We normally give a new government 100 days to prove itself. That 100 days will start once all the new Ministers and Deputy Ministers clock in for work. Until then, let’s just sit back and relax and enjoy the moment of seeing the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan government bite the dust.

Amanah’s Khalid Samad said Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong sabotaged Pakatan Harapan. And the reason, said Khalid Samad, was because there are only 40 Malay MPs in Pakatan Harapan versus more than 60 non-Malay MPs.

Khalid Samad said by right Pakatan Harapan should have been the government since they had the majority, meaning 114 seats in Parliament.

If Pakatan Harapan has 40 Malay MPs and more than 60 non-Malay MPs, that comes to only 100 plus, which is less than 114 MPs. So how can Pakatan Harapan control the majority in Parliament, as Khalid Samad claims?

Anyway, DAP’s Anthony Loke has already admitted that Pakatan Harapan DOES NOT (and never did) have the majority in Parliament. So end of story.

On the issue of illegal government, unconstitutional government, power grab, backdoor government, palace-backed coup, and so on, those arguments are as valid as saying since the Agong pardoned Anwar Ibrahim that means he is innocent of the charge of sodomy.

I suppose I can also say since you cannot prove your claim that God exists that would mean God does not exist (going by the argument that he or she who makes an allegation has to prove the allegation — like how they claim Umno-Najib paid PAS-Hadi RM90 million, which they could not prove).

Anyway, in a couple of days, Muhyiddin will have his government. And, as Pakatan Harapan said, if they do not perform, we can always kick them out again. They can dissolve Parliament and GE15 can be held.

Yes, that was what Pakatan Harapan asked us to do. They begged to be allowed to form the government in May 2018 and they said if they fail to perform we can always kick them out and bring back Barisan Nasional.

Well, that happened. They did not perform and we did kick them out, as they asked us to. And it was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who helped us kick out Pakatan Harapan. What an irony.

Malays call this senjata makan tuan. Mahathir was DAP’s senjata to divide and neutralize the Malays (and they admitted this). Then this senjata turned on its tuan, DAP.

We must remember one thing. If Pakatan Harapan forms the government, yet again, it will be with two-thirds non-Malay MPs and only one-third Malay MPs. With Perikatan Nasional it will be a predominantly Malay and Bumiputera (Sabah-Sarawak) government.

Hence, for me, it makes sense for Malays to support Perikatan Nasional over Pakatan Harapan. Does that make me a racist? So what? Racist, nationalist, patriot, etc., they are all just semantics, different names for the same thing.

Anyway, I have been called worse. But at least they cannot call me Mahafiraun, Mahazalim, Sodomite, Semburit, Kominis, Pelampau LTTE, and so on, which is what they call the Pakatan Harapan people.

So, until Muhyiddin can prove he does not deserve our support, let’s support him and pray he can help us ride out the storm ahead of us. Pakatan Harapan has messed up the country and the economy, made worse by the coronavirus epidemic, and it is going to take some time for the country to recover.

Since Pakatan Harapan took over in May 2018, Malaysians have become poorer. It takes one one year to destroy a country but will take more than five years to repair the damage. Most times a recession takes only one year to hurt a country but it takes the country seven to ten years to recover.

Malaysians will never forget the 20 months of suffering under Pakatan Harapan. It was the greatest mistake the voters ever made. Thankfully Malaysia has an Agong, and the Agong helped correct the greatest mistake and biggest blunder made on 9th May 2018.

Never again. Now that the country is back under Malay-Bumiputera control, we have to defend the Malay-Bumiputera political domination with blood if necessary. Let’s not be bullied and threatened by the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan. It is time to put them in their place and remind them from where they came. Hidup Melayu! Hidup Islam!

