The lies and bullshit

OutSyed the Box

I have been asked to post this. Someone else wrote this.

The lies and bullshit in favour of Anwar Ibrahim

By Group of Concerned Analysts

It is amazing how some seemingly respected Chinese and Indian writers, blogs and politicians behave like mercenaries (being paid well or promised to be taken care of?) or can they be that stupid and ignorant when writing so much bullshit in favour of Anwar Ibrahim.

They, with the collaboration of some biased foreign media, love blaming everything on Tun Dr Mahathir (TDM) as a convenient scapegoat and bogeyman.

They accused TDM as the trouble maker for the recent change of government and for not handing over the premiership to Anwar fast enough (as though the position of PM belongs to Anwar).

If not for the role of TDM, the old kleptocratic regime would not have fallen.
PH won because of TDM and not because of Anwar
Have you forgotten that Anwar led Pakatan Rakyat in 2013 AND LOST
And now in 2020 the instant TDM resigned the PH LOST POWER.
On his own Anwar cannot win.

There was no written agreement on the timing of the so-called handover.
Only a perception cooked up by Anwar and his supporters (including some foreign media) to hand over the premiership to Anwar in 2 years or 3 years.

There was no promise in the first place.
Until today Anwar cannot show that so called written agreement.
Hello Anwar supporters, if you have such an agreement isnt it way past time for you to expose that documet?
So why do they keep harping on this and accusing TDM of not keeping to the promise when there was none in the first place.

(OSTB : Oops !)

Even now, these sore losers are still talking about it.
It’s such a joke because the government has changed again.
Can’t they see now that Anwar is history?
He has lost so much credibility.
He has no realistic chance whatsoever of becoming prime minister ever.

During the recent political manouevrings, Anwar again showed his true colours by misleading PKR, DAP and Amanah to nominate him as PM through his bluff that he already had enough MPs in his bag.

Anwar has done this before.
Have you forgotten that Sept 16 promise which he never delivered?
Recall that Kajang Move?

Anwar just loves to mislead people that he has enough MPs in his bag.


