Coronavirus: UK hospital deaths reach 16,060 after 596 more patients die

(SKY NEWS) – Another 596 people have died with coronavirus in UK hospitals – the smallest increase in nearly two weeks.

The Department of Health announced the latest increase, with 16,060 people with COVID-19 – the disease caused by coronavirus – now confirmed to have died in hospital across the four home nations.

NHS England announced another 482 deaths in hospitals in England, taking the country’s total to 14,400.

Scotland saw a further 10 deaths, Wales 41 and Northern Ireland one.

Health authorities in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland record their own daily figures, which may not tally with the government’s total as they collate their numbers at different times throughout the day.

According to each home nation’s health authorities, the number of deaths in hospitals now stands at:

England – 14,400
Scotland – 903
Wales – 475
Northern Ireland – 194

