Umno presses for more government posts

Mohsin Abdullah , The Edge

The Umno president’s letter to the prime minister suggesting that Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin consider giving government positions to Sabah Umno leaders has been interpreted in three ways.

One is that Umno is openly lobbying for positions. Two is that Umno is blatantly making demands in exchange for supporting the PM. And three, Umno is bullying Muhyiddin. The third view is held by veteran journalist Datuk A Kadir Jasin, who said that if the contents of the Umno president’s letter are true, then Umno is indeed bullying the prime minister.

More than 48 hours after the said letter went viral, neither Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi nor his party have issued any denial. In fact, Malaysiakini reported that an Umno leader who declined to be identified has confirmed the validity of the letter.

In the letter dated April 16, Zahid wrote about Sabah Umno’s proposals and claims or demands.

Sabah Umno chairman Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin is on record as saying that the PM will be doing a big favour to the Perikatan Nasional coalition in the state by strengthening it if he accepts the suggestions made by Zahid.

Such remarks are open to all kinds of interpretations — from Umno tightening the screws on the PM right up to making threats to get its way with rewards for supporting him.

In his letter to the PM, Zahid had specifically mentioned Bung Moktar together with three others who he feels ought to be given government posts.

Whether these are threats or demands, a political observer says it would be interesting to know who leaked the supposedly confidential letter. The letter in PDF form made its way into many Facebook accounts and WhatsApp chat groups.

“Was it done to pressure Muhyiddin or even to warn him to ensure that Umno is given a fair share of GLC positions and other government posts?” asks the observer. This is because, he says, Zahid’s own standing as Umno president depends on ensuring that his party does not lose out to PAS in terms of securing positions of power for his party leaders.

Bear in mind that PAS secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan was earlier seen as attempting to commit the prime minister to appointing his party colleagues by making a public statement that GLC posts will be given to all government MPs. He did not mention PAS but nevertheless was seen as lobbying for his party. If nothing else, he had preempted the prime minister by making such a statement.

As for the Umno president’s letter, the observer sees its effect as more damaging to Muhyiddin rather than helpful for Umno, but with the letter being leaked for all to see, “it can show what Zahid had done in the event Muhyiddin doesn’t play ball”.

Will the PM play ball then? According to political analyst Dr Sivamurugan Pandian “in the current situation, it’s not easy for the prime minister to abide by the Umno demands in this case. Also I think this is not the time to make demands as the nation is in crisis fighting the Covid-19 pandemic”.

Notwithstanding that, both Umno and PAS seem to be holding the PM to ransom for their continued support.

According to Ilham Centre CEO Azlan Zainal, for now “PAS is more committed in defending the PM compared to Umno”. This is suggested by the way PAS is praising the PM on a number of issues, says Azlan.

The political observer weighs in with the view that PAS has also been silent on many issues including the recent episode when Rohingya refugees were turned away from Malaysian waters and were later reported to have died while adrift — “when all this while they been talking about Islam and the Muslim ummah”.

Meanwhile, Umno leaders outside the Muhyiddin cabinet have been very vocal in hitting at the administration if not the PM directly.

While PAS has been more committed to defending the PM as opposed to Umno, it could very well be because the party is satisfied with what it has got thus far including the post of special envoy with ministerial status accorded to its president.

However, there is no guarantee that PAS will continue with its current stance. The party together with Umno have always believed that their Muafakat Nasional (MN) pact will win the next general election on its own. Well, with some help from BN components MCA and MIC, that is.

As a matter of fact, Umno in particular, was gung-ho about a snap election during the political turmoil in late February before seizing the opportunity with PAS to take a short cut to form the government.

The so-called strength of MN has been and will be used by both parties to throw their weight around within Perikatan Nasional. What more when the PM’s own party is like a small fish in a big pond. It’s not helping Muhyiddin’s cause that Bersatu is fractured.

“The pressure by Umno and PAS has left Muhyiddin looking very much the lame duck,” says the political observer.

The PM is riding a tiger, as former PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has described it. But the tiger is now running faster than before.

