Pompeo says US may never restore WHO funds after cutoff over pandemic

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Covid-19 pandemic shows the need to overhaul the World Health Organisation, warning that Washington may never restore WHO funding and could even work to set up an alternative to the UN body instead.

(MMO) – As Pompeo launched fresh attacks on the WHO, Democrats in the US House of Representatives accused the Trump administration of trying to “scapegoat” the institution to distract from its own handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

In a letter to President Donald Trump, they called for the immediate restoration of US funding, which Trump suspended last week after accusing the WHO of being “China-centric” and of promoting China’s “disinformation” about the outbreak.

Pompeo told Fox News late on Wednesday there needed to be “a structural fix of the WHO” to correct its “shortcomings.”

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