DAP does not seem to know what hit them

Basically, Dr Mahathir was the goose that was laying the golden eggs. Then, on 21st February 2020, DAP and Anwar Ibrahim made the mistake of slaying the goose that was laying the golden eggs. And, on 1st March 2020, Muhyiddin Yassin took over from what used to belong to the now dead goose.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Pakatan torn apart by extreme voices, says DAP strategist,” reported anti-Najib Razak The Malaysian Insight. The news item went on to say, “It was the ‘extreme voices’ that led to the fall of the Pakatan Harapan in March, said DAP strategist Liew Chin Tong. The former deputy defence minister told The Malaysian Insight PH failed to assert its narrative after winning federal power in the 2018 general election.”

In March, four days after Muhyiddin Yassin was sworn in as PM8, The Sun Daily reported “PH Govt Was Weakened Through Use Of Social Media: DAP Strategist.”

Pakatan Harapan (PH) used social media to its advantage to win the 2018 general elections. Last week, the very same tool brought its downfall, according to DAP strategist Liew Chin Tong. Liew said that in 2018, social media users had turned against the Barisan Nasional (BN) to PH’s advantage. This time, however, the tide turned against PH.

He pointed out that the subtle agility of social media to effectively disseminate fake news and the branding of DAP as racial and anti-Malay were among the major factors that brought the return of BN ‘through the back door’. (READ MORE HERE)

Liew Chin Tong, DAP’s ‘brains’, does not seem to know why Pakatan Harapan collapsed

Liew Chin Tong is supposed to be DAP’s brains. If this is the best ‘brains’ in DAP then that party is definitely doomed. Is this the best DAP can offer?

Basically, DAP is saying that Pakatan Harapan was brought down in February 2020 the same way that Pakatan Harapan brought down Barisan Nasional in May 2018 — through the social media. DAP is also saying that after Pakatan Harapan won GE14 in May 2018 they became complacent and failed to ‘assert’ their ‘narrative’.

And what was that ‘narrative’ that Pakatan Harapan failed to ‘assert’?

DAP’s and Pakatan Harapan’s ‘narrative’ started in 2013 soon after GE13. And that narrative is PAS is an extremist-Taliban party that wants to send Malaysia back to the middle ages while Umno is a racist-kleptocrat party that promotes Malay supremacy.

In fact, that has always been DAP’s narrative ever since the party was formed 55 years ago in 1965 to replace PAP when Singapore left Malaysia. That narrative has never changed in 55 years and is still the narrative until today. So, what is it that changed then?

DAP is still hoping that Anwar Ibrahim will bring them back to Putrajaya

This is what the pro-Pakatan Harapan portals are saying today.

Western Europe abolished its feudal system by the 15th Century but in 21st Century Malaysia, our feudal system is alive and thriving.

The whole world is moving forward, but Malaysia is regressing towards the 6th Century (around the time when Islam was born). Elsewhere, the PRC Chinese want to be the first to land on Mars, the Indians are not far behind them, but in Malaysia, many Malays are happy to crawl back under their tempurung (coconut shells).

If Muhyiddin is sincere about saving Malaysia, he should overhaul our education system and promote the use of English in national-type schools.

What ‘narrative’ is that? It is anti-Islam, anti-Malay, anti-Raja-Raja Melayu, and anti-Bahasa Malaysia. That is what DAP said in 1965 and that is still what DAP is saying today 55 years later.

DAP is like a brothel owner preaching about the immorality of sex outside marriage. For 55 years they have been preaching hatred, racism and extremism. Then they scream victim and allege they were brought down by ‘extreme voices’.

The Lord giveth in May 2018 and the Lord taketh away in February 2020

DAP does not seem to have a clue as to what hit them. Have they not heard the saying that those who live by the sword die by the sword? Chin Tong is right about one thing. They were brought down in February 2020 the same way they brought down Umno and Barisan Nasional in May 2018.

However, it is more than just a senjata makan tuan situation, as they are suggesting. Narratives alone cannot do it. After all, DAP has been using the same narrative since 1965. They used it in the 1970s. They used it in the 1980s. They used it in the 1990s.They used it during the Reformasi days of 1999 to 2008. They used it in 2013 as well. But that narrative could not bring down Umno and Barisan Nasional in all those years. So how could it succeed in 2018 when for 53 years before that it could not succeed?

The answer is: from 1965 to 2013 DAP depended on the Chinese hating the Malays, Islam, the Raja-Raja Melayu and Bahasa Malaysia to win elections. But DAP still could not win federal power. It was not until 2018 or GE14 when the Malays abandoned Umno and Barisan Nasional that DAP won federal power.

Hence the secret is not the narrative. It is not even the social media or controlling the narrative in the social media. If not Umno and Barisan Nasional would have been ousted ten years earlier. What brought down Umno and Barisan Nasional and helped DAP win federal power was the Malay votes.

Anwar and DAP killed the goose and now they have no more eggs

The Malays abandoned Umno and Barisan Nasional in GE14. And the reason why they abandoned Umno and Barisan Nasional was due to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Basically, Dr Mahathir was the goose that was laying the golden eggs. Then, on 21st February 2020, DAP and Anwar Ibrahim made the mistake of slaying the goose that was laying the golden eggs. And, on 1st March 2020, Muhyiddin Yassin took over from what used to belong to the now dead goose.

That is the real reason why DAP is now back in the opposition with Anwar as their opposition leader. It has nothing to do with all those reasons that Chin Tong and DAP are trying to make us believe. Dr Mahathir brought down Umno and Barisan Nasional in May 2018. And Dr Mahathir brought down DAP and Pakatan Harapan in February 2020. Simple. And you do not need the ‘brains’ of DAP to figure that one out.

