Stop inviting a Snake into your House

KTemoc Konsiders

There are still some amongst Pakatan people, sadly especially the DAP, who believe that Mahathir should be their leader to lead them to ruling government again, despite the Old Man’s treachery, dishonour and continuous eff-ups.

For example, Liew Chin Tong, DAP strategist, was reported saying he believed that the majority of DAP leaders do not think that Mahathir Mohamed was the architect behind the fall of PH, claiming that it was a faction within Mahathir’s own Parti Pribumi that orchestrated it with support from BN – he meant Muhyiddin and Azmin, wakakaka.

But nonetheless, Liew is idiotic on this issue, perhaps still trying to salvage something out from the Mahathir-ised fall from government, in futilely hoping Mahathir will take Pakatan back into power, wakakaka.


