Pakatan Harapan has 16 days to start talking

Pakatan Harapan can tell the government how to balance between lives and livelihoods. The government must protect both lives and the economy and Pakatan Harapan can tell the government how to do that. What type of stimulus package and new economic policies are required? Start talking, Pakatan Harapan! Then, on 18th May 2020, the government can tell us what it plans to do after hearing what Pakatan Harapan has to suggest.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In reference to the one-day parliament session scheduled for 18th May 2020, Lim Kit Siang said the four days of replies from ministers should be scrapped instead of reducing the eight days allotted to the members of parliament for debate.

Okay, first of all, what are the issues that Kit Siang feels would need eight days to debate?

One, of course, would be the planned relaxation on the MCO (movement control order) which will take place on Monday, 4th May 2020. If that is a mistake (and I suspect it may be), by 18th May it would already be 14 days and hence too late to debate the matter.

Lim Kit Siang wants eight days to debate so we now give him 16 days to give his views

I mean, it would be water under the bridge and if it is a mistake it would be too late to do anything about it because by then thousands would be infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus and probably hundreds would be dead or are going to die (mainly because Malaysians are ignorant, inconsiderate and selfish).

So, does Pakatan Harapan wish to debate this matter to save lives (or save the economy) or just to be able to condemn the government, as what Pakatan Harapan is so fond of doing?

Today is only the 2nd of May and 18th May is 16 days away. That same 16 days delay had cost the UK about 60,000 lives. So, 16 days can mean a lot between saving lives and losing 10,000 or 20,000 Malaysians to Covid-19.

Why not Lim Kit Siang and Pakatan Harapan state their stand now, today? Do they support ending (or relaxing) the lockdown or MCO? If they do not, then what should the government do instead (taking into consideration the livelihoods of the working population)?

Khalid Samad has been condemning the government for two months so now let’s hear from him what the government should do instead

If Lim Kit Siang and Pakatan Harapan agree that a partial or restricted removal of the lockdown or MCO should be allowed to save the economy, then how should it be done? What should be the SOP that the government adopts?

So, you see, we do not need to wait another 16 days to hear what the opposition Pakatan Harapan has to say. After all, it will only be a one-day parliament session, so how much can you say in just one day?

Monday will be the 4th of May and that will give Pakatan Harapan 14 days to talk all they want. Hence, from Monday, start talking. Raise your questions and state your suggestions and ideas. Tell the government what should be done and what Pakatan Harapan would do if it was still the government.

No one is stopping Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Anwar Ibrahim, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Mat Sabu, Khalid Samad, Liew Chin Tong, Salahuddin Ayub, or any of the 90 or so opposition members of parliament from talking. Talk away to your heart’s delight.

Anwar Ibrahim has 16 days to reveal how he would handle the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic if he was PM8 before parliament sits on 18th May 2020

Since a one-day parliament session is not sufficient, take 14 days. From Monday, 4th May 2020, start giving your ideas, proposals and suggestions. Then, when parliament convenes on 18th May 2020, the government can reply to your ideas, proposals and suggestions which were made over two weeks prior to parliament convening.

Is Pakatan Harapan going to argue that this is not normal? Normally all these ideas, proposals and suggestions are argued in parliament, is it? Hello…this is the “Age of the New Normal”. Even singing competitions are no longer held live in stadiums but from your home (and accompanied by a full band and chorus singers also playing/singing from their respective homes, mind you).

Amazon, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Iceland, Sainsbury’s, etc., are increasing their staff by the thousands as airlines and other businesses retrench workers or close down. Why? This is because of the “New Normal” where everyone works and shops from home.

And note one thing, the “New Normal” is going to be around for a long time to come.

The “New Normal”: American Idol is now “live” from each person’s respective homes

So Malaysian MPs must also adjust to this “New Normal” and get used to it. Starting from Monday, 4th May 2020, 14 days before parliament convenes on 18th May 2020, let us hear from Pakatan Harapan what their ideas, proposals and suggestions are. What do you want the government to do? How will Malaysians be better served by the Perikatan Nasional government?

Pakatan Harapan leaders like Khalid Samad tweet every day, many times a day. But his tweets are only about what the government is doing wrong. Out of hundreds of tweets, not one suggests what the government should do or what the right way should be. Bagitahulah apa dia cara betul kalau tahu sangat apa yang kerajaan buat semua salah!

We no longer wish to hear about backdoor government, backdoor prime minister, betrayal of the rakyat’s vote, no mandate from the rakyat, traitors stabbing in the back, racist Umno, extremist PAS, and so on. What we want to hear is how would Pakatan Harapan ensure that there will be no deaths from Covid-19 and no Malaysian will starve if Pakatan Harapan was the government.

Pakatan Harapan can tell the government how to balance between lives and livelihoods. The government must protect both lives and the economy and Pakatan Harapan can tell the government how to do that. What type of stimulus package and new economic policies are required? Start talking, Pakatan Harapan! Then, on 18th May 2020, the government can tell us what it plans to do after hearing what Pakatan Harapan has to suggest.

