PKR Youth condemns Salahuddin’s insensitive intolerable idiocy

KTemoc Konsiders

Earlier, I had posted Pakatan Harapan – once bitten, asking for that again, in which I mentioned Amanah’s Salahuddin Ayub coo-ing seductively a la Doraemon (wakakaka) to Mahathir’s Parti PRIBUMI in Johor (and presumably the rest of PRIBUMI in Malaysia as well) to return to Harapan.

While I could understand why a small party like Amanah as represented in Salahuddin Ayub appealing to the Johor Parti PRIBUMI to return to a warm welcome in Pakatan Harapan in order to re-consolidate Harapan’s strength to seize back federal powers, I nonetheless cringed (still do) at what a mafulat-ish moronic masochist Salahuddin is to urge a treacherous traitorous snake back into PH’s bosom.

But I suspect he has approval from “some” Harapan leaders to do so, wakakaka.

‘Ere the print on my post (above) drys up, here’s something interesting (and not unexpected) from a MKINI news, as Follows:

