Terjemahan rencana Sarawak Report “Where Will Desperado Azmin Ali Head Next?”

Cara Clare Rewcastle Brown menulis susah nak faham kerana dia suka putar dan belit. Oleh disebabkan itu,  Malaysia Today ingin membantu pembaca-pembaca Melayu dengan mempertejemahkan rencana terbaru Sarawak Report supaya ianya mudah untuk difahami.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PKR renegade, Azmin Ali, has now placed himself in the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office of the PN government and sadly there can be little doubt he is relying on the ill health of PM8 to deliver on his ambitions.

Perdana Menteri Muhyiddin Yassin tidak sihat.

After all, this whole mad caper of an un-legitimised Frankenstein administration comprised of a political minority of charged crooks, aggressive extremists and once sworn enemies has been cooked up thanks to him.

Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional tidak sah kerana Seri Paduka Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk melantik Muhyiddin Yassin sebagai Perdana Menteri.

The question is can he pull the whole thing off, once the chickens finally come home to roost, as soon they must now that the Covid Cover is starting to evaporate, and international lenders are starting to question whether the PN government can deliver on its cheques?

Peminjam antarabangsa tidak yakin Malaysia mampu membayar balik hutang negara.

In February, Azmin knew as well as anybody else that he was about to be thrown out on his ear from PKR … and that few would follow him after months of destructive politicking and disruption. In the end he mustered 9, including a sorry band of deluded yokels from Sarawak. So, he had the choice of accepting failure gracefully or to come out fighting like a cornered rat.

Orang Sarawak adalah orang kampung yang jahil dan bodoh.

The plan has been jaw-dropping and left former prime minister Dr Mahathir in tears of astonishment and for a while disastrously confused. However, it had been long enough in the making (as a Plan B at least) and in the first instance it has proven an astonishing success and a tribute to just how far ruthless, determined and focused machination and deception can get an individual in politics.

Dr Mahathir menangis kerana keliru dan terkejut.

However, like Hitler having crossed the Rhine, there can no longer be any doubt for those who love liberty in Malaysia and deplore corruption (i.e. most people in their right minds) where Azmin stands. And, like Hitler, Azmin appears not to have thought his onward journey through.

Azmin Ali umpama Adolf Hitler.

Of course, there was a general strategy, based on the long-standing motto of Malaysian money politics that Cash is King. The self-same truism had failed spectacularly in 2018, however you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and the old dogs of UMNO, PAS and it seems also Azmin Ali clearly reckoned that if they could just but re-seize the levers of power and the strings to the money bags, then they could buy their way back to a parliamentary majority.

Politik di Malaysia melibatkan rasuah.

Meanwhile, PAS relied on fat GLC appointments (all with plenty of discreet money-making potential at the public’s expense) as their way to keep MPs happy. To hell with morality and conflict of interest – such principles are for suckers, comes the message from the ‘religious’ party.

Orang Agama pun kuat rasuah.

Likewise, those UMNO hoppers who joined Bersatu after the election plainly did so primarily with a view to possibly selling their votes back to Najib and the boys at a later date. But, they didn’t count before and don’t count enough now either.

Orang Umno yang masuk Bersatu bertujuan untuk menjual sokongan mereka kepada Najib.

Even if they didn’t do so on principle, there is the practical matter of the personal danger attached to those cash promises. Azmin has not yet got his dictatorship nailed down, far from it. It is a foolhardy fellow indeed who throws his cards onto the table and admits he is corruptly up for sale at such a juncture.

Azmin Ali korup.

If anyone was in any doubt that Azmin and what functions of PM8 have yet to nail their numbers, the proof is in their failure and refusal to call a proper Parliament in order to take up the Agong’s challenge to prove their numbers, which is their legal obligation under the constitution. They dare not attempt to legitimise their acting status as the government of the country, because they clearly can’t.

Perikatan Nasional takut undi tidak percaya di Parlimen.

The Covid 19 crisis, which to the rest of the world has been a time of suffering and mourning, has been snatched upon by these chancers like a cloak behind which they had hoped to perform their political skullduggery – to unconstitutionally shut down Parliament (everywhere else Parliaments have stood in emergency session to legitimise their governments’ decisions), terrorise the population into silence and impose authoritarian strictures as if they had legitimacy to do so.

Bencana Covid-19 di UK lebih teruk dari Malaysia dimana lebih dari 32,000 orang mati di UK banding dengan hanya 110 orang mati di Malaysia.

However, their actions have been blatant and predictable and utterly exposed them.  For a start, the creatures within the Frankenstein mix that is PN immediately and predictably returned to type the moment they returned to the opportunity to give out orders. Like hyenas slinking back to an abandoned carcass, they have been snarling and scrabbling for all the financial spoils they can get, in full sight of the disgusted nation at a time of crisis.

Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional korup.

Every day, new information has emerged of disgraceful behaviour as such creatures have scented their opportunity over the huge sums raised to support the Covid humanitarian effort. These have now predictably been shown to have been raided by cronies through untendered contracts and commissions to middlemen and the like. It is what BN politicians are expert in and most of Azmin’s new friends are old BN.

Orang Pakatan Harapan sama korup macam orang Perikatan Nasional.

Laws, which ought to have been abolished (and would have been were it not for Azmin’s games and his distractions) have been taken out and dusted down to throw innocent folk behind bars for alleged ‘insults’, ‘false statements’ and ‘seditions’ that are deemed to challenge the authority of a government that has yet to establish its authority (or of various dignitaries from whom PN would like to claim legitimacy).

Malaysia tidak menghormati kebebasan bersuara sebab penghinaan terhadap Islam, orang Melayu, Bahasa Malaysia, dan Raja-Raja Melayu masih dianggap sebagai jenayah.

