History of the United States is far more complex


As an American living in Malaysia, I am entirely appalled by the published opinion pieces found in New Straits Times “Leader” section, with regards to the politics of the United States.

This is obvious within 3 of the latest articles titled: “America, Be Afraid”, “America Can’t Breathe”, and “Seize the Minnesota moment”. Each is filled with half-truths, false information, narrow-mindedness, and cherry picking of historical anecdotes. The entire purpose is to slam American exceptionalism.

The root of character smearing is jealousy. In the latter of the articles, which is a meandering, unfocused piece that a reader can’t distinguish if the purpose is to bash racism or exceptionalism, the anonymous author tries to uphold Spike Lee as some purveyor of truth as Lee states, “The land was stolen from the native people, genocide was committed against the native people, and our ancestors were stolen from Africa and brought here to work”.

Well, it must be that simple! Except for the fact that the African slave trade only began once African tribal lords captured and sold slaves to Europeans. Are they complicit, or is this to be conveniently forgotten?

Or the fact that it is well known that Native American tribes were brutally conducting near-genocide assaults on one another prior to the so-called genocide perpetrated by the European settlers, as well as aiding and abetting white combatants during raids against perceived tribal enemies.

The history of the United States is far more complex than these articles are stating. It would be best to leave these opinions out of print without better scrutiny of history. While the world rages about George Floyd and tries to make this simply a race issue, I would ask you this, have you heard of Tony Timpa or Daniel Shaver?

Two white Americans who were brutally and unjustly murdered at the hands of police. Nobody protested, looted, or rioted because of their deaths. Why not? Again, it is complexity that can’t be fully discussed within an email. There is a problem with police brutality, which is not solely unjust towards just one race.

Fact: Between 2013 and 2019, 29 unarmed black Americans were killed by police and 51 unarmed white Americans were killed by police. Source: https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/nationaltrends

America does have a police problem. If you want to spit some vitriol in your opinion sections, that would be a just focus. Also, while you try to demonize the United States, let me provide you with something to consider instead of the academia blather you are fond of:

Fact: The United States has only 4.25 percent of the world’s population

Fact: The United States paid 15 percent of the WHO budget

Fact: The United States paid 28 percent of the UN budget

Seems like America does more than it’s fair share to the keeping the commonwealth of the world alive. How much financial support does Malaysia provide to the general safety and security of the world?

America might not be exceptional. It has it’s flaws. Don’t ever forget this, without the willingness of young Americans who grew up in a capitalist and democratic society, who gave their lives for the freedom of the entire world, Malaysia would not exist and this would be a Japanese-speaking region.

That heart for the world still resides in most Americans, but you won’t ever hear about it because that type of news does not sell!

