Sarawak Report and the passport to lie

Only claiming to be informed by “reliable sources”, Clare took no steps to show evidence like flight details or photo evidence. In the absence of these, Clare’s claims can be dismissed as nothing more than figments of her own imagination.

Toh Cheng Khim

I am truly perturbed by the series of postings put up by The Sarawak Report of late, especially allegations made against PM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. According to the portal, the PM had been making secret trips to Singapore where he had received chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer.

This is a damning allegation. But if portal owner Clare Rewcastle Brown had decency left, she would know that she needed to furnish evidence for something so damning.

Surely, if a PM were to leave overseas even in a shroud of state-sanctioned secrecy, some form of evidence would emerge, whether from flight crew, cleaning staff, medical professionals overseas or cleaners. Such things cannot be hidden away from limelight for far too long.

But only claiming to be informed by “reliable sources”, Clare took no steps to show evidence like flight details or photo evidence. In the absence of these, Clare’s claims can be dismissed as nothing more than figments of her own imagination.

As a journalist, Clare should know that the burden of proof was on her to back her claims. No discerning Malaysian would accept her words at face value. If she does not do so, it is her, not Muhyiddin who is ill – ill from hallucinations.

It is sad that Sarawak Report, which was once a respectable portal has become a platform to spread gossip and fake news. Sarawak Report has truly become a passport to lie.

