Malaysiakini and Sarawak Report: arms of foreign-backed subversion

Malaysiakini and Sarawak Report, and portal/blog yang sewaktu dengannya, are not organs of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech. They are tools of well-funded foreign interests that want to erase Malay-Muslim political domination in Malaysia. And you know what is even more interesting? Bukit Aman is aware of this but are saying nothing. Why?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What do the 1918 collapse of the Ottoman Empire, 1948 Malayan Emergency, 1950 Korean War, 1955 Vietnam War, 1961 Cuban crisis and invasion, 1980 Iran-Iraq War, 1985 Russian Perestroika “revolution”, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, 1991 Saddam City/Iraq uprising, 1998 Malaysian Reformasi protests, 2011 Tahrir Square/Egyptian uprising, 2011 Bersih 2.0 demonstrations, 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests, 2019 Hong Kong protests, 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, and so many more incidences and events over the last 100 years have in common?

Yes, the list of “events” is very long indeed. And they are all connected. And all these events are not spontaneous. They were well-planned, well-organised and well-funded. For example, the BLM protests have a budget of US$100 million, just like the current Hong Kong riots and the Tiananmen Square protest before that.

Malaysia’s 1998 Reformasi protests also received millions in funding from the United States, as does Bersih 2.0 until today. The protests in Thailand six-seven years ago (which I attended and was there the day Yingluck Shinawatra was ousted) received USS200 million in foreign funding. (Saifuddin Nasution can confirm this because he met the financier in London in 2013 to talk about funding for Bersih 2.0)

And Malaysiakini, Sarawak Report and Malaysia Chronicle are three of the many news portals, blogs, NGOs, movements, associations, societies, political parties, etc., which are also being funded by these same people.

Invariably, you will find the same faces involved in (or have their hidden hands in) all of them. Balek-balek muka yang sama. They will call themselves human rights, democracy, civil liberties, civil society, or reform movements. But in truth their job is to destabilise the country and bring down the government.

Malaysia is viewed as anti-Israel, pro-China, pro-ZOPFAM (Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality: meaning anti-US warships). Malaysia supported Iraq during the Allied invasion of Iraq. Malaysia supports the trading of oil in non-US Dollars. Malaysians danced on the streets wearing Bin Ladin T-shirts when the New York Twin Towers was bombed. Malaysia is NOT a republic. Islam is the religion of the Federation. Malaysia has Sharia laws. Malays have privileged status in Malaysia. Malaysia has a New Economic Policy. Christians cannot preach Christianity to Muslims. Churches cannot be set up at will. And so many more.

In short, Malaysia is NOT a country that the “free world” likes. And now it even has an “illegal” government with an “illegitimate” prime minister (based on “western standards”). Hence millions are being poured into bringing down the government to “restore democracy and human rights” in Malaysia (that was lost when Perikatan Nasional took over) and to reinstall the DAP-dominated Pakatan Harapan government.

Malaysiakini and Sarawak Report, and portal/blog yang sewaktu dengannya, are not organs of democracy, human rights and freedom of speech. They are tools of well-funded foreign interests that want to erase Malay-Muslim political domination in Malaysia. And you know what is even more interesting? Bukit Aman is aware of this but are saying nothing. Why?

