Bungling officials wrecking Malaysian sports must go

Officials who have overstayed their welcome should exit gracefully, and this includes those who are bankrupt of ideas, and politicians and others with vested interests.

(FMT) – For Malaysian sports to improve, athletes must be treated with respect while officials must display integrity and have a sound knowledge of their tasks.

Some sports officials act indifferently because they have no clue about taking their associations to the next level.

Those with hidden ambitions are ruining sports bodies as they spend most of their time politicking and settling personal conflicts.

The practice of buying votes with money, overseas trips and other attractive perks has seen unqualified people become key office bearers.

While athletes work hard to qualify for international competitions, officials jump on the bandwagon to these meets as a reward for blindly supporting the leadership.

Sadly, sports, athletes and coaches fall victim to the ineptness of these officials.

And worryingly, cases of athletes, coaches and technical staff not getting their wages, allowances or incentives are on the rise.

Such situations are common especially in football, and to a certain degree in athletics and cycling.

Some athletes, not wanting to rock the boat, try to solve their issues by themselves for fear of being victimised if they confront the authorities and end up waiting a long time for their dues.

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