UEC, Hudud and gay marriages

So, the Chinese educationists have to accept that. Maybe they cannot get their UEC. But then many other Malaysians also cannot get what they want as well. And all those others have accepted that they cannot get what they want. In fact, to some Malays, Hudud is 100 times more important than the UEC. But they have accepted not being able to have Hudud. Hence the Chinese educationists must also accept that they cannot have their UEC.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) is back in the news again. This is what Malaysiakini reported:

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin did not give any commitment that his administration will recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) in his recent meeting with Chinese educationist group Hua Zong.

In a statement today, the Prime Minister’s Office said Muhyiddin had said the UEC received partial recognition when the previous administration accepted UEC graduates for a teaching degree programme for the Chinese language subject under the Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia (IPGM).

That partial recognition, Muhyiddin said, was given in 2012 on condition the UEC graduates passed the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia and obtained at least a credit for Bahasa Melayu.

On Friday, Malaysiakini quoted Hua Zong as saying Muhyiddin “personally hopes” the government will one day recognise UEC.

UEC is a high school certificate awarded by independent Chinese schools. Because it is not recognised by the federal government, UEC holders are disqualified from admission to public universities and jobs in the civil service, with a few exceptions.

Pakatan Harapan was so busy with the white shoe versus black shoe matter they totally forgot about the UEC promise in their election manifesto

This is a very old issue that refuses to go away. In fact, since long ago the Chinese have been using this to blackmail the government by threatening to vote opposition if the government does not recognise the UEC.

But now that 97-98% of the Chinese voted opposition in the May 2018 general election, the blackmail power has disappeared. What are the Chinese going to say? That if the government does not recognise the UEC 97-98% of the Chinese will vote opposition? 97-98% of the Chinese already vote opposition anyway. So what difference does it make?

Why did the Pakatan Harapan government not settle this matter and recognise the UEC when they were in power? They could have done it in a mere days after they took over in May 2018. By June 2018 the UEC could have been recognised. Instead, they focused on the black shoe versus white shoe issue.

The general election manifesto is not the Bible, says Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Anyway, we cannot always get what we want. The Chinese want the UEC. Some Malays want Hudud laws to be implemented. The Christians want Muslims to be allowed to leave Islam or to murtad and to convert to Christianity. They also want the Malay language Bible to be allowed to use “Allah”. The liberals want gay marriages to be legalised and for sodomy or same gender sex to be decriminalised. Some Muslims want to be allowed to drink liquor.

There is a long list of what Malaysians want. And different people want different things. But we cannot always get what we want whether it is the UEC, Hudud, to leave Islam and become a Christian, gay marriages, same gender sex, or whatever.

So, the Chinese educationists have to accept that. Maybe they cannot get their UEC. But then many other Malaysians also cannot get what they want as well. And all those others have accepted that they cannot get what they want. In fact, to some Malays, Hudud is 100 times more important than the UEC. But they have accepted not being able to have Hudud. Hence the Chinese educationists must also accept that they cannot have their UEC.

