Anwar Ibrahim’s intellectual dishonesty

Talk is cheap. But delivering is another matter altogether. Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan say they want to reform the country within the current system. No can do. You need to reform the entire system first. So what system are Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan proposing? It’s not common law, hudud, capitalism, communism, Westminster or majlis. So what is it?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim is trying to reinvent himself as not just a reformist but a reformist who wants to restructure society to reduce the gap between the haves and the haves-not. In short, he is moving towards socialism.

That is well and fine because Islam itself is about socialism. In fact, the main thrust of Islam is socialism, capitalism, justice and reforms — the mantra that Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan try to sell to Malaysians.

But the Anwar, PKR or Pakatan Harapan concept is very narrow. For example, justice to them merely means a fair trial in a court of law — and fair or just laws throughout the land. The Islamic interpretation of justice, however, is more inclusive. It is not just about laws, courts and trials. It includes social justice, economic justice, and even justice for God, which many may not comprehend how that works.

Anwar is trying to propagate his so-called “reform agenda” or “agenda reformasi” but refuses to offer us specific details. When pressed further he will reply that his reform agenda is to end abuse of power and corruption. But how does he do that? What is his solution? For example, how does he end corruption within a system that is corrupt?

Yes, aims and objectives are one thing. Anyone can come out with that. But what is the action plan?

Anwar is taking the country for a ride with his bullshit “reform agenda”

In China, they put you against the wall and execute you by firing squad. In some Muslim countries, they behead you for the more serious crimes or amputate your hand if you are a convicted thief.

But Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan (in fact, many in Perikatan Nasional as well) will not accept such “barbaric”, harsh or cruel laws. They even argue that such punishment is not mentioned in the Qur’an. Hence these forms of punishment are not from God but merely the interpretation of man.

Okay, whatever. This is not a theological debate or discussion so no need to argue whether those laws came from God or are inspired by the devil. But then Malaysia hangs drug traffickers, murderers, kidnappers, those who commit treason or wage war against the King, etc.

Are these crimes in Islam and are these forms of punishment mentioned in the Qur’an? There is no mention of drug trafficking in the Qur’an, or any mention that drug trafficking is punishable by hanging. So why do we allow such laws and forms of punishment if we are so fussy about what is mentioned in the Qur’an and oppose laws and punishment that are not mentioned in the Qur’an?

This is Anwar’s real agenda, to become prime minister

The devil is in the details and Anwar’s over-hyped reform agenda lacks details. They confine the discussion to good governance, transparency, accountability, justice (meaning laws and courts), opposing abuse of power and corruption, and so on. Is that all?

Yesterday, Anwar talked about how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. He talked about how the Malaysian ruling elite abuse their power and are corrupt. He mentioned that only those at the top gain from all the opportunities while those at the bottom are left behind. And he blames the government (meaning Barisan Nasional and now Perikatan Nasional) for this and suggests that if he becomes the Prime Minister all this would be addressed and corrected.

Nonsense. Pakatan Harapan was the government for 22 months and they were not able to deliver a single promise they made in their GE14 election manifesto (other than replace the GST with the SST, which made things worse). Pakatan Harapan could have remained the government for 10 years and they would still not be able to deliver all their promises.

How to end corruption when elections every 4-5 years cost billions?

The problem — not only with Malaysia but with the entire world — is the capitalist system plus, for Malaysia, the democratic Westminster Parliament system. We are being told that the system works. It does not. So, never mind what government you have. As long as the system remains the same, there would be no changes or improvements.

In short, Anwar’s, PKR’s and Pakatan Harapan’s so-called reform agenda is hogwash. It is a con game. It can never be achieved under the current democratic and capitalist system.

Capitalism is about exploitation and about getting rich. For that to be achieved you need to be the opposite of a welfare system. Exploitation means many have to suffer for some to get rich. This was also what colonialism was all about. The strong plundered from the weak, which is why the west is rich and the east is poor.

In the current democratic Westminster Parliament system practiced by Malaysia, more than 2,000 (could even be 3,000) Malaysians offer themselves for election. The two main contenders are Pakatan Harapan and Perikatan Nasional (or Muafakat Nasional if Perikatan Nasional collapses before GE15).

Tun Dr Mahathir said he spends only RM1.5 billion for the elections so he does not understand why Najib Razak needed RM2.6 billion from the Arabs

In total, the amount of money all these candidates and parties need to spend would be about RM3-4 billion. Yes, RM3-4 billion. And where do you think this money comes from?

So, Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan want to end abuse of power and corruption. Well, first of all they need to end general elections. We will need to form a majlis and choose our leaders to sit in that majlis in another way. And it must not be through state or general elections. MPs and ADUNs cannot be elected or voted into office because that would invite corruption.

And we must outlaw capitalism. But then communism also does not work. Hence Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan will have to invent a new economic system that is better and more just than capitalism and communism combined; a system which does exploit the people and make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Banks also need to be closed down and the charging of interest made illegal.

Talk is cheap. But delivering is another matter altogether. Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan say they want to reform the country within the current system. No can do. You need to reform the entire system first. So what system are Anwar, PKR and Pakatan Harapan proposing? It’s not common law, hudud, capitalism, communism, Westminster or majlis. So what is it?

