Raja Bahrin accuses Terengganu Sultan and Ahmad Said of “stealing” billions

By the way, Ahmad Said and Raja Bahrin want only Terengganu people to have positions in Terengganu. His Highness the Sultan’s mother is Singaporean. Is this a problem for Ahmad Said and Raja Bahrin? Or do they want the Sultan to step down and hand the throne to the descendants of the late Sultan Ali who was ousted by the British?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The Chairman of Pakatan Harapan Terengganu, Raja Dato’ Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad, accused His Highness the Sultan of Terengganu, Al-Wathiqu Billah Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmud Al-Muktafi Billah Shah, of wasting billions of the rakyat’s money on his new palace.

Raja Bahrin attacked His Highness the Sultan of Terengganu and accused Ahmad Said of collaborating with His Highness to “steal” the rakyat’s money

“The Sultan is no more the man he used to be,” lamented Raja Bahrin. “Now it is all about money,” said Raja Bahrin.

Raja Bahrin, a Perakian, who is the cousin on his mother’s side to the Terengganu Sultan, is very critical of His Highness for what Raja Bahrin said is a waste of billions of the rakyat’s money.

Raja Bahrin also accuses Ahmad Said, the Menteri Besar of Terengganu from 2008 until 2014, of being guilty of approving the money for the palace “with no questions asked” — to quote Raja Bahrin.

Raja Bahrin said Ahmad Said does not have support from Umno Terengganu and his position was very unstable. So he was trying to get “palace protection” by spending huge sums of money for the Sultan’s palace.

Raja Bahrin alleges that His Highness the Sultan with the collaboration of then Menteri Besar Ahmad Said syphoned out more than RM1 billion for the new palace

This is what Raja Bahrin alleges. Hence, since Raja Bahrin wants PAS to expose all the abuses of power and wrongdoings by Umno Terengganu when they were in power, maybe Raja Bahrin can bring this matter to the attention of the MACC and get the matter debated in the Terengganu State Assembly.

It is no use for Raja Bahrin to simply hurl allegations of abuses of power and wrongdoings under the Umno Terengganu government without producing the evidence and without lodging an official report with the MACC.

Cakap kat kedai kopi saja tak guna. Raja Bahrin should go lodge an official report with the MACC regarding his allegation that the Sultan of Terengganu and Ahmad Said robbed billions from the Terengganu rakyat.

Raja Bahrin should lodge a report with the MACC regarding his allegation that Ahmad Said collaborated with the Sultan to rob the Terengganu rakyat of more than RM1 billion

And if this allegation is not true, then Raja Bahrin should issue a public apology to His Highness the Sultan of Terengganu. Gentleman lah sikit, bro. Berani cakap, berani tanggung.

By the way, Ahmad Said and Raja Bahrin want only Terengganu people to have positions in Terengganu. His Highness the Sultan’s mother is Singaporean. Is this a problem for Ahmad Said and Raja Bahrin? Or do they want the Sultan to step down and hand the throne to the descendants of the late Sultan Ali who was ousted by the British?

Ahmad Said and Raja Bahrin had better be careful with what they say lest the Sultan murka. And if they have something negative to say about the Sultan, say it to His Highness the Sultan’s face, not behind the Sultan’s back.

Daulat Tuanku!

