Why would the PAS MP want to apologise for telling the truth?

So how can these Sarawak Christians lodge a police report and ask for action to be taken against the PAS MP? If they do, then a Muslim can also lodge a police report against Christians who say that Jesus is the Son of God because this would in essence be accusing the Qur’an of lying, and that is an insult that offends the sensitivities of Muslims.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Sarawak Group Calls For Police Action Against PAS MP For Bible Remarks

(MMO) – A group called Movement for Change in Sarawak (MoCS) has urged the police today to take appropriate against Pasir Puteh MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh for his remarks against the Bible.

MoCS spokesman Michael Lim said the MP from the Islamist party has purportedly angered Christians nationwide with his claim that the Bible has been distorted.

“We urge the police and the relevant authorities to investigate with urgency and take appropriate actions against the MP,” he told reporters after he and two others lodged a police report on the issue here. (READ MORE HERE)


Are these Sarawak Christians mad or are they smoking something illegal? There is no way the PAS MP is going to retract his statement and/or apologise for telling the truth. Would these Sarawak Christians apologise for insulting Muslims by saying the Jesus is the Son of God?

Truth is relative unless it is a scientific truth. I mean, ice is cold and boiling water is hot. That is an indisputable truth and you can prove it just by touching.

But to say that in heaven there would be streams of cool water under shady trees is not a scientific truth because no one thus far has seen or touched this cool water in heaven to prove it is cool and not freezing or boiling (or that it even exists).

However, many believe this story about heaven and the lovely cool streams and would call it truth even if they cannot prove it and even though no one has gone to heaven and has come back to testify that the story is true.

So how can this story, which the “Holy Books” tell us, be true?

We call it truth not because the story has been proven true but because we believe the story due to faith. Hence our faith convinces us that the story is true, not that science has proven it is true.

Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the true word of God. Muslims believe that the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad via the angel Gabriel. And Muslims believe the story that Jesus was NOT the Son of God and that he DID NOT die on the cross and came back to life three days later.

The Qur’an also says that the followers of Moses and the followers of Jesus are the true submitters (which means the early Jews and Christians were “Muslims”). In fact, Muslims believe that all the Prophets since Adam were Muslims.

Muslims also believe that all the earlier “Holy Books” before the Qur’an (Tawrat, Zabur and Injil) are accepted by Islam.

This is what BBC said about the matter:

The Qur’an is the holy book that contains the teachings of Allah given to the Prophet Muhammad. Many Muslims believe that Allah gave Muhammad these teachings because all earlier religious texts were no longer reliable. (READ MORE HERE).

So, even BBC says that Muslims believe all earlier religious texts are no longer reliable. Do these Sarawak Christians want to lodge a police report against BBC as well? Hence, what the PAS MP said was based on the Muslim belief. It is just like a Christian believing that Jesus is the Son of God.

So how can these Sarawak Christians lodge a police report and ask for action to be taken against the PAS MP? If they do, then a Muslim can also lodge a police report against Christians who say that Jesus is the Son of God because this would in essence be accusing the Qur’an of lying, and that is an insult that offends the sensitivities of Muslims.

