The Muslims-Christians pissing contest

So why keep fighting over who is right and who is wrong since no one can prove it anyway? And if Christians and Muslims (plus all those of the other faiths as well) can live and let live, the world would be a far better place than it is now and we shall no longer see people of faith walking around with this high-and-mighty, holier-than-thou, superior-than-you chip on their shoulder.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The problem facing humankind these last 1,000 years is that both the Muslims and Christians think they are upholding the truth while the other side is spreading lies — or what today we call “fake news”. And because of that millions die and have died. Probably, if not because of religion, the population of the world today would be 10 billion instead of 7.8 billion.

Do you know it took It took over 200,000 years of human history for the world’s population to reach 1 billion, but it took only 200 years since the 1800s for it to reach 7.8 billion? And if not because we killed each other in huge numbers in the name of God, it would be 10 billion. Hence religious wars are an effective form of family planning or population control.

The 1,000-year Christian-Muslim pissing contest

Incidentally, the church forbids family planning. However, 1,000 years ago, Rome approved the control of the world population through crusades, religious wars, ethnic cleansing, and the termination of entire pagan communities.

The sword, yes, birth control pills, no.

Imagine, if not because of the Pope, today the world’s population would be beyond control. Maybe, since Rome no longer gets involved in population control, God decided to take matters into His own hands by sending us the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Now people are not only getting killed in larger numbers than usual, they can no longer go to bars and pubs and pick up sex partners for one-night stands.

Maybe UK’s single-mother population can finally be brought under control at last. And probably the church is secretly quite pleased about Covid-19’s positive affects on keeping immorality low.

The Muslims, of course, are as guilty as Rome in spreading religion at the point of the sword (or at the barrel of the gun). Part of the reason the Christian West conquered and colonised pagan countries (the term for non-Christian countries) — other than to rob, steal from and plunder these colonised countries — was to spread Christianity.

In the early days, with the blessing of the Pope, Spanish Conquistadors baptised the pagan native (Indian) babies and children and then killed them to save their souls and send them to heaven. So, the Spanish Conquistadors did millions of South Americans a favour by sending them to heaven. And those who are still alive in Latin America today are mostly Catholics (the non-Catholics are already all in heaven).

Following this success of the Christians, the Muslims emulated them and also embarked on their own convert-or-die campaign.

One of the most successful of these campaigns was the one conducted by the Wahhab-Saud coalition in Saudi Arabia soon after WW1 (not classified as a terrorist organisation by the West since they were anti-Ottoman and not pro-Ottoman) when all non-Wahhabi Muslims were exterminated.

This effectively ended the rule of the Ottoman Empire and turned Turkey into a secular republic, which Lim Kit Siang and DAP are trying to introduce to Malaysians.

The pissing contest between the Christian West and Islam, and Muslims versus Muslims, send close to 100 million people into these refugee camps

In some parts of Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, this convert-or-die campaign is still ongoing and we have movements such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda, JI, Boko Haram, ISIS, Islamic State, ABIM, etc., trying to convince people that good people go to heaven while bad people have all the fun.

Hmm…no wonder the campaign seems to be failing.

Anyway, Christians and Muslims should stop this pissing contest. If you are a Christian you will definitely say Christianity is the true religion and if you are a Muslim you will say Islam is the true religion.

Muslims believe that the many Christian Bibles were written by unknown authors many years, up to more than 100 years, after Jesus “disappeared” (Muslims do not believe Jesus died and also believe he will come back later). The Gospels written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, were not the Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John who were the disciples of Jesus but unknown authors writing under pseudonyms decades or a century later (and it was not one man writing one book but a book written by a “committee”).

Never mind who is right but they are just as dead as if they are wrong

And 50% of the Gospels were written by Paul who never met Jesus in his lifetime and what today modern psychiatrists would classify as hallucinating that he was talking to Jesus who was in heaven.

That, of course, is what Muslims believe, correctly or not — but then today if anyone were to claim he or she is having a conversation with Muhammad, Jesus, Moses or whoever, Pejabat Agama would arrest them and lock them up.

Christians, on the other hand, believe that Muhammad ciplak (plagiarised) the Qur’an from the Old and New Testaments. However, since Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, did not file any copyright, they could not do anything about it.

Hence, Muslims believe they are right while Christians believe they are right as well. Hindus, on the other hand, believe both Christians and Muslims are idiots. And there is no way Christians and Muslims (or even Hindus for that matter) can prove they are right, or that God even exists in the first place.

Both says they are right but both cannot be right

Religious belief is 100% based on faith. If you have faith you believe. And if you do not have faith you do not believe. No one can offer any evidence to either prove they are right or prove the other faiths are wrong.

So why keep fighting over who is right and who is wrong since no one can prove it anyway? And if Christians and Muslims (plus all those of the other faiths as well) can live and let live, the world would be a far better place than it is now and we shall no longer see people of faith walking around with this high-and-mighty, holier-than-thou, superior-than-you chip on their shoulder.

Even Christians fight amongst themselves as to which brand of Christianity is correct and Muslims do the same, with Sunnis branding Shias as non-Muslims or deviants. In short, religious people just love quarrelling and fighting and want to be seen as right and all the others as wrong. Basically, it is an ego thing, just like the quarrel between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim.

