I’ll withdraw support for Muhyiddin, if it means snap polls, says Nazri

(FMT) – Padang Rengas MP Nazri Aziz says he will withdraw his support for Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin who holds a razor-thin majority in Parliament, but only if it leads to a snap general election.

Questions have been raised on the fate of the Perikatan Nasional-led administration after PKR president Anwar Ibrahim announced he had obtained the support of the majority of MPs to form a new government.

This was compounded by Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s admission that a number of Umno and Barisan Nasional MPs supported Anwar and that the party would not stop them from backing the Port Dickson MP.

“I support Zahid’s stand against stopping any Umno MP from supporting Anwar. The government today is a government of MPs,” he told FMT.

Nazri also reiterated Zahid’s previous statement that Umno did not want to be part of Perikatan Nasional and only wanted to work with PAS.

“Zahid is right because many in Umno are unhappy with Muhyiddin and PPBM over the way Umno is being treated.”

Nazri accused PPBM of viewing Umno as irrelevant, citing the example of the party naming Sabah PPBM chief Hajiji Noor as the chief minister candidate without first consulting Zahid.

“They can simply announce Hajiji is the candidate without consulting us. They are saying we are irrelevant, we are not dominant. Okay, let’s see if that is the case in an election.

“If withdrawing my support for Muhyiddin’s administration means an election will be called, then I will do so,” the Umno veteran said.

He also called for any change of government to go through the due process in the Dewan Rakyat and not through an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“We do not need a motion of no confidence, a government bill just needs to be defeated and it will show he (Muhyiddin) does not have the confidence of the majority (of MPs).”

If this happened, Nazri said Muhyiddin should “do the right thing” and dissolve Parliament.

