DAP’s cock and bull

If the Chinese towkays and tycoons close the tap and stop giving DAP people money, and Barisan Nasional offers them RM25 million each, there will be an exodus of DAP people leaving the party with all sorts of “good” excuses — party lost its way, deviated from the cause, no longer has principles, has now become a dictatorship, etc.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP claims it won six out of the seven seats it contested in the recent Sabah state election because the voters trust them. And the reason the voters trust them is because DAP people do not defect to other parties, says DAP.

Yeah, right. DAP forgot that their Hee Yit Foong was paid RM25 million to defect and in the process brought down the Pakatan Rakyat Perak State Government.

For the right price, even DAP Chinese will defect. It could be RM25 million or RM50 million or RM100 million, but in the end even DAP people have their price.

The thing is the DAP people receive more money to remain in DAP. Hence they do not defect. The Chinese towkays and tycoons are spending millions on DAP. And they have admitted this. So, remaining a DAP member means you receive a lot of money, millions.

DAP people are being paid millions to stay “loyal” to the party

That is why DAP people do not defect — not because DAP people are noble, mulia, principled, etc. If the Chinese towkays and tycoons close the tap and stop giving them money, how long do you think the DAP people will remain loyal to the party?

If the Chinese towkays and tycoons close the tap and stop giving DAP people money, and Barisan Nasional offers them RM25 million each, there will be an exodus of DAP people leaving the party with all sorts of “good” excuses — party lost its way, deviated from the cause, no longer has principles, has now become a dictatorship, etc.

And the reason why DAP is doing well at the ballot box is simple. First of all, DAP contests in only hardcore Chinese seats. It will never contest in places like Kuala Terengganu or Kota Bharu or where the voters are more than 90% Malay.

Secondly, the Chinese voters will only vote Chinese, and the only Chinese party around is DAP. MCA and Gerakan are no longer relevant.

DAP is being supported and funded by the Chinese corporate world and the Chinese triads

DAP has successfully brainwashed the ignorant Chinese voters into believing that MCA and Gerakan are traitors to the Chinese race and Malay running dogs — and that only DAP is a true Chinese party that can look after the interests of the Chinese. The Malays are the enemies of the Chinese who wish to wipe out the Chinese from the face of Malaysia. And if not because of DAP, there would be ethnic cleansing of the Chinese.

In short, DAP plays the race card and puts fear into the Chinese. So, they get almost 100% of the Chinese votes. That is why DAP contests in only hardcore Chinese seats and wins almost all the seats they contest.

That is the truth regarding why DAP won six out of the seven seats it contested in Sabah. And if DAP contests in non-Chinese-dominated seats, they would get wiped out. And if the Chinese do not see the Malays as their enemy, DAP would also get wiped out. And if the Chinese do not see MCA and Gerakan as traitors to the Chinese race and Malay running dogs, DAP would for sure get wiped out.

DAP should contest one parliament seat and three state seats in Terengganu in GE15, and maybe another six parliament/state seats in Kelantan. Let us see how many of these ten state/parliament seats in Terengganu and Kelantan DAP can win without majority Chinese votes.

Even PKR, Amanah and Bersatu got wiped out in Terengganu and Kelantan and won zero of the 99 state/parliament seats. DAP is all cock and bull. Do they really think Malaysians will believe the Chinese voted for them because they are honourable and principled? It is easy to claim you are number one when you are the only one. I can also claim I am the number one Malaysian blogger in Manchester when I am the only one.

