The Umno-PPBM cold war is because of the many egos

So how is the Umno-PPBM cold war going to be resolved? It cannot. As long as there are quarrelsome Malays and politicians who love to fight still around, the Umno-PPBM cold war will continue. And if PPBM is not around, it would be an Umno-PAS cold war. And if PAS is not around, it would be an Umno Team A-Umno Team B cold war. One way or another, they will fight just because they love fighting.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The main bone of contention from those Umno people who are hostile towards PPBM (Parti Pribumi Bersatu) is that Umno is the “big brother” but PPBM is playing that role of “big brother” instead — when, in fact, PPBM is smaller than Umno (plus Umno is almost 75 years old opposed to the only four-year-old PPBM).

READ MORE HERE: Umno and Bersatu: Two tigers on the same mountain

The two PPBM leaders whom the unhappy Umno people have named as the culprits who are accused of “bullying” Umno are Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin — who they say are the real power behind the PPBM throne.

Some Umno leaders are very unhappy with these three 

Whatever it may be, that is not the only reason for the Umno-PPBM cold war. It is actually more complicated than just the issue of PPBM allegedly bullying Umno or the shoddy treatment Umno is said to be receiving from Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin.

And if it was not the complaint about PPBM bullying Umno or the shoddy treatment Umno is receiving from Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin, they would have found some other reason or excuse to justify the Umno-PPBM cold war.

The bottom-line is, politicians just love to quarrel. Politicians like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who quarrel for the sake of quarrelling, and as a hobby, stay in power for a long time. Politicians like Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Tun Razak, who hate to quarrel, get toppled from power.

Hence politicians who love quarrelling have a long career.

Some Malays would rather see Anwar Ibrahim take over from Muhyiddin Yassin even if that means DAP is back in power

So, this quarrel between the Umno and PPBM politicians is quite normal and nothing we should be surprised about. They quarrel amongst themselves. They quarrel with others. They will even quarrel with their own shadow if they cannot find anyone else to quarrel with.

And politicians will always say they are right and others are wrong. They are never wrong. The whole world is wrong except them. Mahathir is one example of he is right and the entire world is wrong. And many more politicians, such as the DAP and Pakatan Harapan leaders, are right even when they steal the taxpayers’ money.

They say politicians must have leadership qualities and ambition. If not, you can never succeed. However, the truth is, it is their ego that makes them tick, not their brain.

Politicians have a bigger ego than their brain. If the brains of Malaysia’s politicians can be as huge as their ego, Malaysia would be a greater country than China and the US put together.

Hence what we are seeing today in this Umno-PPBM cold war is a clash of egos. The Umno party contests are coming up soon so everyone needs to show their fangs. They need to show how “tera” they are. And the way to prove you are “tera” is by fighting with everyone.

Malays love cock-fighting, especially in the Muslim communities in Terengganu and Kelantan

Malays have this macho culture. If someone shows their teeth you need to bark. And if someone barks you need to bite. That’s why Malays love cock-fighting, even though it is illegal. “Islamic” states like Terengganu and Kelantan have more cock-fighting than in the secular states like Selangor (even though gambling is haram).

So how is the Umno-PPBM cold war going to be resolved? It cannot. As long as there are quarrelsome Malays and politicians who love to fight still around, the Umno-PPBM cold war will continue. And if PPBM is not around, it would be an Umno-PAS cold war. And if PAS is not around, it would be an Umno Team A-Umno Team B cold war. One way or another, they will fight just because they love fighting.

