Are DAP and PKR insulting the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah?

The fact that Christians no longer practice what they should and have turned their backs on the Bible is immaterial. The fact that the New Testament has changed what the Old Testament says is also immaterial. The Old Testament is a Christian Bible and Biblical laws are partly also Islamic laws. So, in what way is PAS an extremist Islamic party when it is a better Christian than Christians themselves?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PKR has joined DAP in insulting PAS and in labelling it an “extremist” Islamic party.

First of all, “extremist” is a derogatory or insulting term, which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as “a person who holds extreme political or religious views, especially one who advocates illegal, violent, or other extreme action.”

Secondly, using the word “Islam” and “extremist” in the same sentence is what politicians and the media in the west do to paint a negative image of Islam or Muslims. It is like when you use the words “Germany”, “Nazism” and “anti-Jew” in the same sentence. You are suggesting that Nazism and anti-Jew is synonymous with Germans or Germany.

DAP, and now PKR as well, need to explain in what way PAS can be considered an extremist Islamic party. Labelling PAS an extremist Islamic party is a very serious allegation. It is like the recent incident where the UK Labour Party was labelled anti-sematic. It is an extremely serious allegation which can hurt Labour badly at the ballot box and this matter is not being taken lightly.

So, yes, accusing the UK Labour Party of being anti-sematic and accusing PAS of being an extremist Islamic party are very serious allegations. These allegations need to be proven and DAP and PKR need to prove them.

This is from the Old Testament

Is PAS deviating from the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah (meaning deviating from Islamic teachings and doctrine)? If so, which of what PAS is doing deviates from the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah or from Islamic teachings and doctrine?

Now, this is a very serious issue. If you call a Muslim an infidel or kafir, that is worse than calling him or her a pig or dog. Hence you need to support such an allegation with evidence or with a good argument. You cannot simply call someone an infidel or kafir for fun. The same applies when you call someone an extremist Muslim. This implies that Muslim is a deviant or heretic.

The reason is simply this. If someone follows the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah to the letter and to the spirit, and you call that person an Islamic extremist, in essence you are saying the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah are extreme.

Malaysian Christians are wrong when they say they follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament

Hence you are not insulting that person. That person is just being compliant or submissive. You are insulting the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah. So, are DAP and PKR insulting the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah?

This is why DAP and PKR need to support their allegation that PAS is an extremist Islamic party with evidence or with a good argument. This is because it is not PAS that they are insulting but they are insulting the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah — in short, Islamic teachings and the doctrine of Islam.

Furthermore, when DAP and PKR insult the Qur’an, Hadith and Sunnah, in essence they are insulting the Bible as well. And most people do not realise this — especially the non-Muslims who have never studied Islam or have never studied the subject of comparative religion (you can take this three-month course in Oxford University).

How many times have you heard the allegation that Prophet Muhammad plagiarised the Bible? Anti-Islam websites are full of this allegation.

Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad did not plagiarise the Bible and that the revelations, known as the Qur’an, are fresh and independent of the Bible. In fact, Islam recognises the Bible and Christianity, and there are many parts of the Qur’an that are also in the Bible.

In short, Islam is a sister religion to Christianity and the Qur’an confirms much of what the early Christians believed and practiced. In fact, Islamic laws are in part also Christian laws and Hudud could be said to be Biblical laws.

Biblical laws and also partly Qur’anic laws

And this is where the confusion sets in. DAP and PKR people who reject Sharia laws say that Christians follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament. Sharia laws may exist in the Old Testament, but it does not appear in the New Testament. In the old days, the Jews may have practiced Hudud, but the Christians no longer do. Jesus came along to change those laws.

This is where the argument becomes nonsensical.

First of all, Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian. And Jesus declared he had come not to change the laws but to enforce them. Hence to argue that Jews and Christians have separate laws is flawed.

Secondly, Christians accept BOTH the Old and New Testaments. Probably 90% or more of Christian belief and doctrine comes from the Old Testament. So how can they say Christians follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament?

Christians have turned their backs on Christianity, the Church, and the Bible when once they were also “extremists”

Stories regarding Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, the Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses, the Pharaoh, the Exodus, Abraham, Joseph, and many more, all come from the Old Testament. And Christians believe these stories and do not dispute them. Hence Christians believe in the Old Testament.

And if Christians believe in the Old Testament, that means Christians also believe in the Sharia, Hudud included. And this is what PAS also believes in. So how can PAS be called an extremist Islamic party when their beliefs are also Christian beliefs from the Old Testament?

The fact that Christians no longer practice what they should and have turned their backs on the Bible is immaterial. The fact that the New Testament has changed what the Old Testament says is also immaterial. The Old Testament is a Christian Bible and Biblical laws are partly also Islamic laws. So, in what way is PAS an extremist Islamic party when it is a better Christian than Christians themselves?

