When Pakatan people speak, all logic goes down the drain

Did Dennis talk about “the blurring of the line between right and wrong has been going on for some time now” in May 2018 when Mahathir became Prime Minister? And why not? Is Mahathir the paragon of truth, honesty and virtue? Did DAP not say Mahathir is the most corrupt and crooked Prime Minister in history, at par with Mugabe?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

What in heaven’s name is this Dennis Ignatius going on about? First of all, it is TUNKU Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s first prime minister, and not TENGKU Abdul Rahman (as what Dennis wrote). At least get that right. And Malaysia’s first Agong was Tuanku Abdul Rahman, after whom Jalan TAR has been named.

Dennis referred to the “beacon of light that TENGKU Abdul Rahman proudly announced to the world in his independence proclamation.” Actually, TUNKU Abdul Rahman also announced that the day Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad becomes Prime Minister will be the beginning of the end for Malaysia.

Is DAP not “blurring the line between right and wrong”?

Why does Dennis refer to one quote but leaves out the other?

You can see this Dennis dude is very selective with his quotes. He picks and chooses those that suit him and leave out those that do not. This person is very dishonest. And such biased writers cannot be believed.

Dennis has an agenda, which is to make Umno, the Malays and Islam look bad. To put it in the proper perspective, Dennis is a Class A racist. Rasis nombor satu. He is a spokesman for DAP and Pakatan Harapan. Period!

“The blurring of the line between right and wrong has been going on for some time now,” said Dennis. Yes, since May 2018 when Pakatan Harapan chose Mahathir as their Prime Minister.

Did Dennis talk about “the blurring of the line between right and wrong has been going on for some time now” in May 2018 when Mahathir became Prime Minister? And why not? Is Mahathir the paragon of truth, honesty and virtue? Did DAP not say Mahathir is the most corrupt and crooked Prime Minister in history, at par with Mugabe?

Sudahlah Dennis! Cakap tak serupa bikin. Kalau sokong DAP dan Pakatan Harapan, setan dan iblis pun dipanggil malaikat. Ini jenis orang macam Dennis. Pendatang haram dari Bangladesh pun tak teruk perangai macam Dennis ni.


Najib’s appointment a new low for Malaysia

Dennis Ignatius

The appointment of former prime minister Najib Tun Razak as chairman of the Barisan Nasional (BN) backbenchers club in parliament once again draws attention to the moral decay gnawing away at the soul of our nation. It should tell us in no uncertain terms that our political system has become a cauldron of iniquitous and unethical behaviour.

It is simply mind-boggling that someone who has only recently been convicted – convicted mind you — of one count of power abuse, three counts of criminal breach of trust and three counts of money laundering and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment could be appointed to an influential parliamentary position.

Does the dictionary not call someone who has been convicted of a crime a “criminal”? Didn’t the trial judge call it “the worst kind” abuse of position. Is Najib not facing dozens of additional very serious criminal charges stemming from what could very possibly be the largest heist of public funds in our history? Sure he may be appealing the conviction but that does not diminish the gravity of his conviction.

And what does it say of the scruples of UMNO-BN leaders that they would appoint such a man to lead their caucus? Does UMNO-BN care so little about integrity, accountability and honour? Are their consciences so seared that they can no longer discern right from wrong? Are they so focused on the politics of the moment that they cannot see the enormous damage they are doing to the moral fibre of our nation?

By appointing him to the post, UMNO-BN is whitewashing his criminality and glossing over his betrayal of the nation’s trust. They are giving him a patina of respectability he does not deserve;  allowing him the opportunity to burnish his phoney stature as national leader. It is disgraceful even by our already appallingly low standards. Lim Kit Siang is absolutely right when he said that the appointment would “plunge the Malaysian Parliament into new shame and infamy.”

Clearly, nothing is sacred anymore. The more religious we become the more dishonourably we behave.  What little standards of integrity and professionalism we once had are gone. In its place is an ugly anything-goes culture that is all too ready to sacrifice principle on the altar of political expediency.

The blurring of the line between right and wrong has been going on for some time now. Politicians have lied and misled the public about their educational qualifications. They’ve thumbed their noses at laws and regulations that the rest of us must obey on pain of penalty. They’ve preached virtue but practiced deceit. They’ve talked about integrity even as they’ve gorged themselves on the public pursue. And they get away with it because few care enough to call them out.

Perhaps the die is already cast; outrageous behaviour, unethical standards, a lack of integrity in public office is the new normal and is here to stay. Alas, that “beacon of light” that Tengku Abdul Rahman proudly announced to the world in his independence proclamation is no more.

