An allegation of “takut mati” is a serious allegation

If Dr Noor Hisham is supposed to die of Covid-19, then that is going to happen, because God has willed it. And it will happen at the predetermined time, date and place. There is nothing in the world that Dr Noor Hisham can do to avoid that predetermined fate. Believing anything else other than that would mean Dr Noor Hisham is void of faith or aqidah.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Those who allege that the Director-General of the Ministry of Health, Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, “takut mati” have actually brought to question his religious faith or aqidah. And that is no minor allegation.

Muslims are forbidden from crying and wailing at funerals. One Tok Guru I personally knew (he has since died) actually doa (prayed) and thanked God (Alhamdulillah) when his child died.

Tiong King Sing is suggesting Dr Noor Hisham has no aqidah

When I asked my Tok Guru why, he explained that life and death are God’s will and the absolute right of God (Allah) to decide. Hence it is forbidden to mourn or question any action by God, death included.

Furthermore, the time and manner of our death has already been decided before we were born, and we cannot accelerate or delay that death by even one second.

So, if we are supposed to die of Covid-19 at a certain time, date and place, that is going to happen and there is nothing we can do about it.

Some call this fatalism (the belief that all events are predetermined and therefore inevitable) and say it is a defeatist attitude (a person who expects or is ready to accept failure).

Do non-Muslims believe in such matters? Yes, many do. The fact that they believe in fortune-tellers shows they believe that certain things have already been decided before we were born and that a fortune-teller can reveal what is in store for us.

Dr Noor Hisham takut mati?

Anyway, good Muslims believe in fate, predetermination, and the will of God. Hence to fear death or takut mati is to object to the will of God. And that is a very serious transgression in Islam.

If Dr Noor Hisham is supposed to die of Covid-19, then that is going to happen, because God has willed it. And it will happen at the predetermined time, date and place. There is nothing in the world that Dr Noor Hisham can do to avoid that predetermined fate. Believing anything else other than that would mean Dr Noor Hisham is void of faith or aqidah.

And a Muslim who is void of aqidah is not a Muslim but kafir (infidel or unbeliever). So, are these critics alleging that Dr Noor Hisham is kafir?

