The Zeti issue: Najib’s boys are missing the point…yet again

Sigh, Najib needs to employ better brains to help him spin. If I were employed as Najib’s spin-doctor I would do a far better job than what his cyber-troopers are doing, and at a far cheaper price. Normally you get monkeys when you pay peanuts, as the saying goes. You never pay millions to get monkeys. That is stupid.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Najib’s boys should focus on Zeti’s RM127 million parked in Singapore instead

On 30th October 2020, Malaysia Today came out with a story titled The untold story of Zeti’s involvement with Jho Low” (READ HERE).

On 14th November 2020, Malaysia Today wrote: Ex-Bank Negara Governor Zeti may be arrested and charged” (READ HERE).

On that same day, we also came out with a video tiled Tindakan undang-undang perlu diambil terhadap Zeti Aziz” (SEE HERE).

Yesterday, Najib Tun Razak’s boys lodged a number of police reports against Zeti Akhtar Aziz. However, the focus of the police reports was on the “wrong advice” Zeti had given Najib.

They gist of the police reports was that Zeti had seen the documents involving the RM2.6 billion donation from Saudi Arabia, had given permission for the money to be brought into Malaysia, and had suggested that the money be banked into Najib’s personal bank account and not into Umno’s bank accounts.

Of course, there is no way Najib could have brought in RM2.6 billion from Saudi Arabia without Bank Negara knowing about it or without first giving permission.

But that is not the point. The focus instead should be on the relationship between Zeti’s family and Jho Low and the unexplained RM127 million in their bank account in Singapore.

We are talking about RM127 milion. How come Zeti’s family has RM127 million in a Singapore bank? And Bank Negara Malaysia knows about this money. Furthermore, investigations have proven that Zeti’s family has links with Jho Low and that the RM127 million parked in the Singapore bank is documented.

The issue of Najib is water under the bridge. It is up to Najib’s lawyers to subpoena Zeti to testify in his ongoing 1MDB court case. If Zeti had intentionally set up a trap for Najib to walk into by giving him advice that will hang him, it is up to Najib’s lawyers to establish this. Why are they not doing this?

What is important is the RM127 million that Zeti’s family has in Singapore and their relationship with Jho Low. Zeti needs to explain that while the police reports that Najib’s boys are making should focus on that.

Zeti and her family may be crooks, but what makes them crooks is the RM127 million unexplained money and not the “wrong advice” she gave Najib, which is what Najib’s boys are focusing on.

Sigh, Najib needs to employ better brains to help him spin. If I were employed as Najib’s spin-doctor I would do a far better job than what his his cyber-troopers are doing, and at a far cheaper price. Normally you get monkeys when you pay peanuts, as the saying goes. You never pay millions to get monkeys. That is stupid.

Now look at the following documents extracted from a criminal investigation report involving Zeti and go lodge another police report.

