This week, Umno may split into two like PAS did in 2015

Most people are of the view that the hatred between the Muhyiddin faction and the Anwar faction in Umno is too great that it is no longer tenable for them to remain in the same party. What happened to PAS five years ago is expected to happen to Umno and the outcome will depend on what happens to Budget 2020 later this week, whether it gets approved or rejected.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Parti Amanah Negara or PAN is the result of a power struggle in PAS between the Anwar Ibrahim faction, supported by DAP, and the Abdul Hadi Awang faction.

When the Anwar faction lost the 2015 party election and garnered only 20% of the votes, they resigned from PAS en bloc and set up PAN. Pakatan Harapan was also set up around that same time, after DAP wound up Pakatan Rakyat to get rid of PAS.

Anwar is poised to get sworn in as PM9 next week

On Thursday 26th November 2020, the fate of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will be decided during the vote on Budget 2020. If Budget 2020 is rejected by Parliament, Anwar will rush to Istana Negara to try to get sworn in as PM9.

Whatever the outcome of the vote on Budget 2020, Umno is expected to split into two between the Anwar Ibrahim faction and the Muhyiddin Yassin faction. If Budget 2020 is approved, meaning Muhyiddin gets to stay on as PM, the Anwar faction may leave Umno en bloc, like what the Anwar faction in PAS did in 2015.

If Budget 2020 is passed, the Muhyiddin faction will remain in Umno while the Anwar faction will leave to set up a new party

The Muhyiddin faction in Umno will remain with Perikatan Nasional while the Anwar faction in Umno will form their new party and join Pakatan Harapan.

Most people are of the view that the hatred between the Muhyiddin faction and the Anwar faction in Umno is too great that it is no longer tenable for them to remain in the same party. What happened to PAS five years ago is expected to happen to Umno and the outcome will depend on what happens to Budget 2020 later this week, whether it gets approved or rejected.

