The Umno-DAP-Taliban syndrome

Malaysians need to stop being too emotional and become more pragmatic. Go see all the episodes of “Game of Thrones” if you have not yet done so. You make friends and enemies to suit your political needs. And you must not fear stabbing friends in their back and hugging and kissing enemies as long as it satisfies your mission and vision.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

When the British decided to work with the MPAJA in 1941, they knew it was a big risk. The British knew the dangers they were facing when they parachuted arms and ammunition into the Malayan jungles to help the MPAJA.

And they were right when after WWII the MPAJA became the CPM, the Communist Party of Malaya. Actually, the MPAJA were mostly communists — so the CPM was just the MPAJA with a new name (like Pakatan Harapan is still Pakatan Rakyat, and now Barisan Harapan).

The Americans worked with their enemy, the Taliban, since both shared a common interest to defeat Russia. Of course, today, America slaughters the Taliban.

The Americans also worked with Saddam Hussein — since both shared a common enemy, Iran. Once Iran had been weakened, they slaughtered Saddam.

South Vietnam was a very cruel and most corrupt government in South-East Asia. But they were North Vietnam’s enemy, who were also America’s enemy. So, America helped prop up this worthless South Vietnam government. Now that Vietnam has been “reunited”, the country is a far better place than when under a US-sponsored government.

It is the same story all over the world. An enemy of my enemy is my friend even if that “friend” is worse than my enemy.

Malaysia’s “most evil and corrupt” Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, can become Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister as long as he opposes Umno and helps topple Barisan Nasional.

Umno’s mortal enemy, PAS, can be accepted as Umno’s coalition partner as long as they support Najib Tun Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and all those other Umno leaders (and their friends and family) facing criminal charges.

Yes, that is called politics. And everyone plays this game all over the world. Lawan jadi kawan, kawan jadi lawan, depending on their shared vision and mission.

DAP dulu lawan, lepas tu kawan, lepas to lawan again, and now kawan again

Malaysians need to stop being too emotional and become more pragmatic. Go see all the episodes of “Game of Thrones” if you have not yet done so. You make friends and enemies to suit your political needs. And you must not fear stabbing friends in their back and hugging and kissing enemies as long as it satisfies your mission and vision.

And that has always been my panduan hidup as well. Anyone, even DAP and Umno, can be my friend if they accept PAS as a friend (like Barisan Alternatif in 1999, Pakatan Rakyat in 2008, and Muafakat Nasional in 2019).

Oh, and of course they will say they are toppling the Perak MB because of his misdeeds and transgressions. They have to say that. They cannot say they are toppling the Perak MB because of their lust for power. That will not look good.

They wanted to topple Najib Tun Razak in 2014 because of his misdeeds and transgressions. They wanted to topple Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2006 because of his misdeeds and transgressions. They wanted to topple Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in 1999 because of his misdeeds and transgressions. They wanted to topple Anwar Ibrahim in 1994 because of his misdeeds and transgressions.

Yes, everyone is toppled because of his/her misdeeds and transgressions. But later, once these people agree to serve your mission and vision, you forgive them for their misdeeds and transgressions. You sanitise them and take them as your comrades. That is called political maturity and pragmatism.

