Kit Siang says he will never work with people like Mahathir and Anwar

The fact DAP was prepared to work with Muhyiddin Yassin in 2016 and only now opposes him because DAP is no longer in the federal government shows that DAP is not motivated by principles and integrity but by power.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang is attempting damage control after DAP failed to form a new state government in Perak in collaboration with Umno. The backlash against DAP for the failed power-grab in Perak is so severe it may cost the racist party many votes in the next general election.

DAP was founded by Singapore’s PAP in 1965 after Singapore and Malaysia split.

The main quarrel between Tunku Abdul Rahman and Lee Kuan Yew was regarding the issue of the post of Singapore Chief Minister. Kuan Yew wanted to be called Prime Minister and not Chief Minister and the Tunku disagreed, citing that Malaysia cannot have two prime ministers and that Singapore’s position would be just like Penang, Sabah and Sarawak, which have Chief Ministers.

PAP created DAP after Singapore and Malaysia split due to a quarrel between Kuan Yew and Tunku Rahman

The second disagreement between Kuan Yew and Tunku Rahman was regarding PAP’s insistence on the Malaysian Malaysia policy to replace Malaysia’s Bumiputera policy. The Tunku told Kuan Yew if he wants to become Singapore’s Prime Minister and wants to abolish the Bumiputera policy then Singapore can leave Singapore and implement its own policies.

That resulted in the split between Malaysia and Singapore and the creation of DAP since PAP could no longer legally operate in Malaysia. Hence Kit Siang’s narrative of events (READ BELOW) is a twist of history and opposite to what actually happened in 1965.

Furthermore, Kit Siang’s statement that “DAP will not work with kleptocrats but would remain open-minded about cooperating with those of integrity regardless of political affliction” is a downright lie.

The fact that DAP is prepared to work with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar Ibrahim proves that DAP does not care about integrity and they will work with “kleptocrats” as long as they can gain power.

Kit Siang has no problems working with “kleptocrats” as long as DAP can be in power

Anwar’s credibility has been totally demolished and if DAP still adopts him as their prime minister then they, too, are going to be demolished at the ballot box. DAP will also have a hard time explaining why they are prepared to work with Umno and accept an Umno menteri besar just to grab power in Perak.

The fact DAP was prepared to work with Muhyiddin Yassin in 2016 and only now opposes him because DAP is no longer in the federal government shows that DAP is not motivated by principles and integrity but by power.


(FMT) – DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has vowed that the party will not work with kleptocrats, but would remain open-minded about cooperating with those of integrity regardless of political affliction, after an unpredictable show by his party in the just-ended Perak political crisis.

Lim said the DAP was founded 54 years ago to make “Malaysia succeed as a world-class nation in various fields” and not go against any race, language, religion or culture.

The party, he added, was determined to make the mission a success and would therefore “remain true and steadfast on our principles so we always remain a principled political party”.

DAP will even work with PAS as long as they can get power

“We will not cooperate with kleptocrats and those who abused their powers for personal gain but we must be open-minded and flexible to co-operate with Malaysians of integrity, regardless of race, religion or politics, to build a united, just, prosperous and great Malaysia,” he said in a statement.

Lim’s statement came hours after Umno assemblyman Saarani Mohamad was sworn in as the state’s 14th assemblyman. It ended a six-day tussle for the post of menteri besar, with even the Perak DAP at one point, being prepared to work with arch-rivals Umno to form a new government.

Saarani replaced Ahmad Faizal Azumu of PPBM who lost the confidence of the state assembly on Friday.

Lim had last year said that “only a kleptocrat who is insane” would want to join Umno as it had “not cleansed itself of global kleptocracy”.

