Stop defending Pulau Indah IPP, PSM tells PKR MP

(Focus Malaysia) – PUTRAJAYA can scrap the Pulau Indah independent power producer (IPP) contract if the former has the political will to do so.

“According to Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) filling to Bursa Malaysia, the power purchase agreement (PPA) was only signed on Aug 7. The IPP operator appointed an engineering consultancy to do the work barely two weeks ago.

“It shows that the power producer has not entered the designing phase yet. So, the project can still be called off,” Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) central committee member Sharan Raj told FocusM.

Yesterday, the Parliamentary Select Committee for International Relations and Trade chairman Wong Chen told FocusM that the Government would be hard pressed to cancel the Pulau Indah IPP project as the deal was already signed long ago.

“The Government has to respect the sanctity of a contract. However, moving forward, we need to impose a moratorium on IPP projects for some years.

“Renewable energy or not, we need to bring down our high electricity margin of 40%,” the Subang MP was reported saying.

People’s interest first, not IPP

Training his guns against Wong Chen, Sharan claimed the PKR lawmaker was more interested in protecting the IPP instead of the Malaysian public.

“Worldwide Holding Bhd (WHB), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS), owns 70% stake of Pulau Indah Power Plant Sdn Bhd (PIPP).

“Thus, the PKR-administrated Selangor state government is the prime beneficiary of the Pulau Indah IPP.

“Clearly, PKR MP Wong Chen is defending the Pulau Indah power plant to protect the latter’s commercial interest instead of protecting the people and our climate,” he alleged.

Sharan, who heads PSM’s environment & climate crisis bureau, reiterated his stand that a tropical nation like Malaysia requires only 20% in maximum electricity margin reserve.

Beyond the threshold, he added, consumers would be forced to pay higher tariffs for unused power plants.

“The Pulau Indah power plant will raise the reserve margin in Peninsula Malaysia up to 42%.

“Putrajaya should cancel the Pulau Indah IPP at its infancy to protect the people who are already suffering from high cost of living,” added Sharan.

