Umno needs Mahathir back as President

Maybe Umno should allow Dr Mahathir to take back the Umno presidency so that Umno can become strong again. If Umno continues like this it will no longer remain relevant. Umno needs someone like Dr Mahathir if it does not want to die off. After all, Dr Mahathir has proven only he is strong enough to kill Umno, like what happened in GE14 in 2018. Hence Umno needs Mahathir.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

No wonder Umno is in such a mess. It looks like no one is really the boss in Umno. There is no longer one Umno. There are many little Umno splinters all doing its own thing and going against one another.

This was what Afghanistan used to be like back in the old days. The many different Afghan tribes spent so much effort fighting one another that the Russians could just walk in and occupy the country.

It was not until the Taliban (born in Pakistan and set up by the Americans) entered Afghanistan that the Russians were defeated and were sent running back to Moscow.

In short, it was the US that helped free Afghanistan from the Russians, not the Afghans. If left to the Afghans, they would have continued fighting one another and Afghanistan would have continued to be occupied by Russia.

And that appears to be what Umno is today, a copy of the Afghan tribes.

Dr Mahathir and Ku Li have teamed up to try to bring down the Umno government tomorrow

And, today, Umno’s Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah teamed up with Umno’s enemy, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, to try to bring down the Umno government tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be the final day to bring down the Umno government through a backdoor vote of no confidence. And this backdoor vote of no confidence can succeed only if Umno supports it. If Umno does not support it, the backdoor vote of no confidence cannot succeed.


This reminds me of Iraq. America could not bring down the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein. Only Iraqis could bring down the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein. But now many Iraqis regret working with America to bring down their own government. Saddam’s regime may be bad, but things are no better post-Saddam.

So only Umno can bring down Umno. And that is what will happen tomorrow if they succeed in bringing down the government through the backdoor vote of no confidence — Umno will be brought down by Umno.

Okay, we will need to wait until tomorrow to see if Umno will bring down Umno cum Perikatan Nasional. But what we need to know today is what is going to happen to the Umno traitors and saboteurs like Tengku Razaleigh and all those other Umno people who are conspiring to bring down Umno.

Will the Umno Supreme Council do nothing? Can these Umno traitors and saboteurs like Tengku Razaleigh, etc., stab Umno in the back and nothing is going to happen to them? During Dr Mahathir’s time this can never happen. Mahathir and the Umno Supreme Council will never allow traitors and saboteurs to continue living.

Maybe Umno should allow Dr Mahathir to take back the Umno presidency so that Umno can become strong again. If Umno continues like this it will no longer remain relevant. Umno needs someone like Dr Mahathir if it does not want to die off. After all, Dr Mahathir has proven only he is strong enough to kill Umno, like what happened in GE14 in 2018. Hence Umno needs Mahathir.

Tomorrow is the last day to bring down the Perikatan Nasional government of Umno-PPBM-PAS

