Analysts: Budget and no-confidence votes different, yesterday not true yardstick of Muhyiddin’s support in Parliament

An increase in voting trend with the Opposition obtaining 108 votes when opposing the Budget’s third reading, 13 more than their usual count of 95. He said this amplified the fluidity of MPs’ support for the government.

(MMO) – Despite Perikatan Nasional (PN) pushing through its maiden Budget 2021 in its third reading yesterday, political observers have instead warned how the coalition is not quite home and dry with many potential hurdles up ahead.

Specifically, the analysts stressed on the differing implications and weight between votes garnered during a Budget, and those during a no-confidence motion against the administration.

The pundits were also on the same page when they agreed how the razor-thin majority in the 111-108 result in the bloc vote in Parliament, despite it signifying PN’s slim lead, should not be used as an official yardstick to measure the real support enjoyed by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“If a no-confidence motion is indeed brought to the floor, some MPs might vote differently, as they would not like to be blamed for defeating a Budget during difficult times,” senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, Oh Ei Sun told Malay Mail.

For University of Malaya (UM) socio-political analyst Awang Azman Pawi, he agreed that numbers during a Budget vote differ from those in a no-confidence motion, as stopping the Budget would portray MPs opposing it as attempting to hinder funding for operational, stimulus, and aid expenditures.

“What is for certain is votes given in support of the Budget were done on the basis the people’s wellbeing is looked after, staff salaries are paid, and development plans can go on.

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