We need to exterminate DAP even if we need to sacrifice Umno

The truth is we do not need Umno, PAS or PPBM. What we need is a united Malay front. And even if Umno, PAS and PPBM need to be wiped out so that a united Malay front can emerge in its place so be it. And if Umno, PAS and PPBM are hindrances to a united Malay front then get rid of all of them.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP is prepared to sacrifice its maruah and principles just to get back into Putrajaya. In fact, DAP would sell its mother to get into power. There is nothing that is too sacred in DAP’s lust and thirst for power. And that is why DAP is prepared to work even with Umno if necessary, as long as it means getting back into Putrajaya.

DAP now wants to “reformat” the opposition, or what it calls “political reset” – READ HERE: The call for a political reset. DAP knows it must change course or change tactics if it wants to regain federal power.

The 22 months that DAP was in power proved disastrous for the Malays. In just 22 months, DAP almost destroyed what took 60 years to build up. Imagine if DAP had stayed one full term of five years. At the end of that five years the Malays in Malaysia would have been reduced to that of the level of the Malays in Singapore.

Never again. DAP must never again be allowed to attain federal power. The Malays need to unite and form a front against DAP. And if Umno needs to die so that the Malays can unite then so be it.

The truth is we do not need Umno, PAS or PPBM. What we need is a united Malay front. And even if Umno, PAS and PPBM need to be wiped out so that a united Malay front can emerge in its place so be it. And if Umno, PAS and PPBM are hindrances to a united Malay front then get rid of all of them.

