Anwar will be PM9 in March 2021, says PKR

In short, after toppling the government, they still need to fight over who should take over. And, according to Lokman, Umno must take over. Hence Pakatan Harapan will get Umno’s support to topple Muhyiddin’s government only if Umno leads the new government and Umno takes the post of Prime Minister or PM9. That is the whole purpose of ousting Muhyiddin in the first place.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PKR’s secretary-general, Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, said the plan to oust Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and topple the Perikatan Nasional government is still on and will be executed in March next year (SEE BELOW).

Saifuddin did not state in clear and irrevocable terms that Anwar Ibrahim will take over as PM9 once Muhyiddin has been ousted and Pakatan Harapan takes over as the new government, but this is certainly what he is suggesting.

“I have already received notice that parliamentarians are due to convene in March next year and this is where the efforts to take over the leadership of the government, which was betrayed by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, will be continued,” said Saifuddin.

This is where Saifuddin is not being honest. He talks about Muhyiddin’s “betrayal”. Who did Muhyiddin “betray” and in what way did this “betrayal” occur? Was it not Anwar and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who tried to betray each other, resulting in the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government?

PKR says “no Mahathir” and Umno says “no Anwar, no DAP” in the new “grand coalition”

Anwar tried to oust Dr Mahathir and the old man retaliated by collapsing the government. What has Muhyiddin got to do with that? Muhyiddin just took over as PM8 one week after the government had already collapsed. Muhyiddin did not oust Dr Mahathir or collapse the government.

All this talk of betrayal, backdoor government, illegitimate prime minister, etc., is just an attempt to avoid admitting that this whole fiasco is Pakatan Harapan’s own fault. It was hara kiri or political suicide on the part of Pakatan Harapan. Pakatan Harapan put a gun to their own head and then are now trying to blame others for it.

Saifuddin is just trying to give an impression they have not lost yet and that the game is still on. Actually, it is already game over. There is such a thing called the window of opportunity and the window to oust Muhyiddin and topple the government has already closed. Windows of opportunity do not stay open forever.

So, March next year Muhyiddin is going to be ousted and the government is going to fall, is it? Well, most likely March next year Muhyiddin will seek the consent of Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong to dissolve parliament so that GE15 can he held.

And GE15 can be held within six months or so after that — which means by August or September 2021. By then the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic may have receded — and, if it still has not, then, due to the emergency situation, GE15 can be postponed another few months, until the Covid-19 situation allows it to be held.

Muhyiddin just needs to dissolve parliament in March 2021 and hold GE15 by the end of the year if the Covid-19 situation permits

Whether Anwar or PKR still “have the numbers” or not will be purely academic by then. How do they topple the government when parliament has already been dissolved and GE15 is going to be called, subject to the confirmation of the date of nomination day and polling day?

Anyway, Anwar or PKR may still “have the numbers”, but these “numbers” is only as far as toppling the PM and his government are concerned. These numbers do not extend to supporting Anwar to take over as PM9. As Lokman Adam said, their concern is only about toppling Muhyiddin. Who takes over is another matter and is not part of the deal.

In short, after toppling the government, they still need to fight over who should take over. And, according to Lokman, Umno must take over. Hence Pakatan Harapan will get Umno’s support to topple Muhyiddin’s government only if Umno leads the new government and Umno takes the post of Prime Minister or PM9. That is the whole purpose of ousting Muhyiddin in the first place.


Pakatan Harapan cannot agree on who should be PM9 in the event Muhyiddin’s government can be toppled

(MMO) – PKR secretary-general Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail expressed confidence that the Opposition could remove the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government at the March parliamentary meeting.

He told Utusan Malaysia that the plan to remove Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as the prime minister remained active despite the Opposition’s failure to block Budget 2021 at any stage in the just-ended meeting of Parliament.

“I have already received notice that parliamentarians are due to convene in March next year and this is where the efforts to take over the leadership of the government, which was betrayed by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, will be continued.”

“So many parties that claimed that the Opposition has failed just because it did not succeed in fighting against the Budget is not accurate because until now, the motions of no confidence have not been discussed.”

“It is right for me to say that the efforts to take over the government that befits the mandate of the people that was given to Anwar and PH are still ongoing and there is no issue of replacing Anwar,” he said to the Malay daily yesterday.

Saifuddin also stressed that it was premature to say that PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Harapan (PH) have failed to topple the PN administration.

“It is too soon to come to the conclusion that Anwar as the Opposition leader and PH chairman had failed to topple PN. In fact, the Budget [2021] vote is due to it involving a huge public interest,” he said.

Earlier this week, PN’s maiden budget was passed with a slim majority of 111 to 108, which led to some sections within the Opposition to call for a change in leadership.

Saifuddin’s remarks also appeared to contradict those of the other PH component leaders who have told the coalition to abandon the plan to remove Muhyiddin with the support of unidentified government lawmakers.

On Thursday, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and Parti Amanah Negara president Mohamad Sabu jointly called for PH to stop wasting time on “opportunistic” PN backbenchers who are exploiting them.

Both leaders said after failing to stop the federal Budget from being passed, it is now time for the Opposition to face the reality that it needs a reset.

