DAP is the cause of the country’s mess

Those, like me, who had been around in the 1950s and 1960s will know that Malaysians of different races got along very well with one another. Then DAP was formed to continue Singapore PAP’s agenda after the split between Malaysia and Singapore. And that was when race relations crumbled.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“When I met the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim, on Friday, I assured him that the DAP leadership had never proposed a change of Opposition Leader, but the Opposition must set forth in a new direction focussing on the need to strengthen and consolidate all Opposition forces in the country through a new national consensus,” said DAP’s Lim Kit Siang today.

“This is why there is an urgent need for a new national consensus for the Merdeka Constitution 1957, the Malaysian Constitution 1963, the Rukun Negara 1970 and the Vision 2020 promulgated in 1991 have all failed — to the extent that there are now Ministers in the Cabinet who reject these basic documents of Malaysian nation-building.”

“As I said yesterday, time and tide wait for no man and the time for action for a new national consensus is now as Malaysia must be spared the fate and ignominy of kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state in 2040.” (READ MORE HERE)

What in heaven’s name is Lim Kit Siang talking about? Has he taken leave of his senses?

In 1980, before Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad became Prime Minister, the rate of exchange was RM2.18 to USD1.00 and S$1.16 to USD1.00.

In 2003, the year when Mahathir retired, the rate of exchange was RM3.80 to USD1.00 and S$1.74 to USD1.00.

It does not take a genius to figure out that much of the mess was Mahathir’s doing. And is Mahathir not the man whom DAP chose as its Prime Minister in May 2018?

Kit Siang and DAP said so many nasty things about Mahathir — accused him to stealing RM100 billion of the nation’s money, accused him of being behind the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara Forex scandal, accused him of racism, cronyism, nepotism, and much more — and then chose him as Pakatan Harapan’s Prime Minister in GE14.

What’s wrong with this old Chinaman? He is so senile he needs to be locked up for his own safety.

Those, like me, who had been around in the 1950s and 1960s will know that Malaysians of different races got along very well with one another. Then DAP was formed to continue Singapore PAP’s agenda after the split between Malaysia and Singapore. And that was when race relations crumbled.

DAP turned Malaysian politics into a Chinese versus Malays game

And that was when racism became a political game. DAP campaigned against the backdrop that Singapore is great because it is Chinese-run while Malaysia is doomed because it is Malay-run. (And until today Kit Siang and DAP are still singing that same song).

DAP made the Malays and Chinese hate each other. And that eventually triggered the race riots of 13th May 1969. Since then, race relations have never been the same again and DAP keeps fanning this Singapore is better, Chinese are better, Chinese schools are better, Chinese education is better, and anything Malay (including the songkok, Islam, Bahasa Malaysia, Umno, etc., is bad).

Kit Siang should stop talking. Much of what is happening in Malaysia is because of DAP. And DAP wants to appoint Anwar Ibrahim as Malaysia’s new Prime Minister. If you think Mahathir is bad, wait until Anwar takes over. Anwar will cause ten times more damage than what Mahathir caused — and he will not need 22 years to do it.

