Under Amanah’s “progressive Islam”, can Muslims now murtad?

This is classic stereotyping. If they are Chinese, then they must be rich. If they are Malays, then they must be bangsat and pokai. And if Malays are rich, then it must be because they are corrupt and have been bought. This is another form of racism, the stereotyping of PAS people because they are Malays.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

1. This was the more progressive version of PAS led by Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, which eventually led to cooperation with DAP in Pakatan Rakyat – those were the days when Chinese and Indians would help carry PAS election banners.

2. But since the death of Nik Aziz, the party seems to have changed. I remember listening to ceramahs by Amanah president Mohamad ‘Mat’ Sabu before the 2018 elections that the lifestyle of some PAS leaders had become posh. He said that PAS had been a party that had always struggled to get funds and even had to ask its members to climb coconut trees to hang flags. But then, said Mat Sabu, some leaders were suddenly driving cars such as Toyota Vellfire and Audi Q7. He wondered why this was so…

3. What about PAS’ favourite platform of hudud, and harsh punishments for theft (what about corruption?), an issue that they had used to split Pakatan Rakyat? Has it now been conveniently forgotten because it’s too controversial an issue for its allies, especially in East Malaysia?

4. The mantle of Nik Aziz and progressive political change based on Islam has been taken up by Amanah, which underlines that akhlak (moral behaviour) is the real substance of the religion, rather than the showiness of speaking Arabic or wearing the “serban dan jubah” (turban and robe). Only time will tell how influential Amanah will be. (Andrew Sia, Malaysiakini)


Hudud in Kelantan was under Nik Aziz, not Hadi Awang

This Andrew Sia and Malaysiakini have distorted history and have rewritten the narrative on PAS. This is nothing short of a pack of lies, so allow me to rebut what they have said.

This was the more progressive version of PAS led by Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat…(Andrew Sia, Malaysiakini).

Non-Muslims, especially the DAP people, always talk about “the more progressive version of PAS led by Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz”. What precisely do they mean by this? Malaysians need to be given details regarding in what way was Ustaz Fadzil Noor’s and Tok Guru Nik Aziz’s version of PAS “more progressive”.

Were Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz supportive of gay unions, extra-marital sex, civil marriages outside Islam, beer festivals, apostasy/murtad (Muslims leaving Islam or converting to another religion), and so on? We need details regarding in what way Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat were “more progressive” compared to the current PAS leaders.

By the way, RUU355 was passed by the Kelantan State Assembly in 1993 when Nik Aziz was the Kelantan Menteri Besar. But DAP is blaming Tok Guru Abdul Hadi Awang for it whereas it was Nik Aziz who pushed for Hudud laws in Kelantan. Do these DAP people not know this or are they trying to mislead the non-Malays?

PAS leaders have been driving “kereta mewah” back when PKR leaders used to travel to KL by bas MARA

Saying Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat were “more progressive” without giving examples of in what way they were “more progressive” is not good enough. As far as we know, Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Tok Guru Nik Aziz would pray more than five times a day and would fast more than 30 days a year and would refuse to drink beer or play poker. So how would that make them “more progressive”? At least Mat Sabu of Amanah womanises. So that makes him “more progressive”.

I remember listening to ceramahs by Amanah president Mohamad ‘Mat’ Sabu before the 2018 elections that the lifestyle of some PAS leaders had become posh…(Andrew Sia, Malaysiakini).

Actually, many PAS leaders are graduates and professionals, Hadi included. They have been living in bungalows and have been driving Pajero four-wheel drive and Mercedes Benz cars since the 1970s and 1980s. Since the 1970s and 1980s they have been traveling to the US and Europe a few times a year to meet students and supporters using their own money.

Does “progressive” Amanah support murtad?

Somehow these non-Malays think that PAS people are bangsat and pokai. Where in heaven’s name do they get this idea from? Why not check with Bank Islam as to how much deposits from PAS supporters they have in their bank since the bank was first set up. Did these non-Malays think that PAS people have been seeing money only since 1st March 2020?

This is classic stereotyping. If they are Chinese, then they must be rich. If they are Malays, then they must be bangsat and pokai. And if Malays are rich, then it must be because they are corrupt and have been bought. This is another form of racism, the stereotyping of PAS people because they are Malays.

RUU355 was a “progressive” Nik Aziz initiative, not Hadi Awang’s

What about PAS’ favourite platform of hudud, and harsh punishments for theft?…(Andrew Sia, Malaysiakini).

Hudud is not just about “harsh punishment for theft”. That is like saying traffic laws is just about fines for parking in a no-parking zone. It is more than that. But then these people just love mocking Islam and making Islam look petty and ridiculous. Cukuplah menghina Islam!

Anyway, under Hudud, if you steal because you are destitute, desperate and/or hungry, the court will not punish you with amputation. Instead, the court will order the religious department to place you under welfare. That is what zakat is for. And if the religious department fails in its duty, they would be punished instead of the thief.

This so-called harsh punishment is actually meant for, say, highway robbers. In China, highway robbers are sentenced to death by firing squad, even the women. Is that better? Would these people want death by firing squad instead of Hudud?

The mantle of Nik Aziz and progressive political change based on Islam has been taken up by Amanah…(Andrew Sia, Malaysiakini).

Okay, then tell us what the details are. In what way has Amanah taken up the mantle of progressive political change based on Islam? Details please! Malaysians need to know how Amanah has “modernised” Islam and how the “old teachings” of the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad have been replaced by the new teachings of Mat Sabu and Amanah.

Is this what they mean by “progressive” Muslims?

Under Amanah’s Islam, can Muslims now leave Islam or murtad? Under Amanah’s Islam, do Muslims still need to pray five times a day? Under Amanah’s Islam, must Muslims still fast during the month of Ramadan? Under Amanah’s Islam, can Muslims now drink and gamble? Under Amanah’s Islam, is khalwat and zina allowed? Under Amanah’s Islam, are gay marriages allowed? Under Amanah’s Islam, are beauty pageants and beer festivals halal?

Yes, do give us the details of Amanah’s “progressive” Islam. And please stop suggesting there are TWO types of Islam, progressive or moderate Islam and extreme or fundamentalist Islam. These is only taqwah Muslims, fasiq Muslims, munafiq Muslims and murtad Muslims. There is no such thing as “progressive” Islam.

