Pakatan Harapan’s future lies in the collapse of Perikatan Nasional

As long as Umno, PAS and PPBM continue to unite, Pakatan Harapan is doomed. Pakatan Harapan’s future lies in the collapse of Perikatan Nasional. And, according to Mahathir, if you want to bring down the government, you must do it from the inside. If will be very difficult to bring the government down from the outside. Hence you need people inside the government to sabotage the government.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim is still talking about his numbers. He is trying to convince Malaysians that he has enough numbers to oust Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and take over as the next prime minister or PM9. And to do that he needs not less than 111 members of parliament to support him (112 MPs including him).

Anwar may have lost touch with reality. Having enough numbers to oust Muhyiddin and having enough numbers to take over as PM9 are two separate issues. They do not come as a package. Just because, say, 113 MPs support the move to oust Muhyiddin, this does not mean the same 113 MPs also support Anwar to take over as PM9.

It does not matter if only 110 MPs support Muhyiddin, as they allege, as long as the balance 112 MPs are split into two camps

For example, let’s say 113 MPs support a no confidence motion against Muhyiddin. However, only 70 or so MPs may support Anwar as PM9. Hence while they have enough numbers to oust Muhyiddin, this does not mean they will be able to agree on who should take over as PM9.

And herein lies the problem — the classic story of the dog chasing the car but not knowing what to do if it happens to catch the car in the end. As long as the car keeps moving, the dog will bark and chase the car. However, once the car stops, the dog will also stop. The dog is not going to bite the car.

And that is why DAP said today that unless Anwar and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad can kiss and make up, there is no way Pakatan Harapan is going to march into Putrajaya. And for Anwar and Mahathir to be able to kiss and make up, they will have to agree on who will be PM9 if they manage to oust Muhyiddin through a no confidence motion in Parliament.

Mahathir wants another one year as prime minister if they can topple the Perikatan Nasional government. Anwar, however, wants to become prime minister yesterday. Hence another year for Mahathir is out of the question.

DAP says unless Anwar and Mahathir can kiss and make up, Pakatan Harapan is never going to march into Putrajaya

So, it is not Pakatan Harapan versus Perikatan Nasional. It is Pakatan Harapan versus Pakatan Harapan Plus versus Perikatan Nasional. Hence even if Muhyiddin has just 110 MPs on his side, as they claim, and 112 MPs are not with him, the 112 MPs opposed to him are divided into the Anwar camp and the Mahathir camp. And that would make Muhyiddin’s 110 MPs the largest minority.

The British call this the divide and rule strategy. That was how 150,000 Europeans ruled over 300 million Indians in British India. You divide the Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims and Christians and make them fight each other. And they are still fighting until today, 200 years later. In fact, the British did the same in the Middle East and look what is still happening there until today.

The only way to oust Muhyiddin and his government would be to also divide Perikatan Nasional, just like what is happening to Pakatan Harapan. If Perikatan Nasional can also be split into Perikatan Nasional and Perikatan Nasional Plus, then Muhyiddin can be ousted. If not, even with just 110 MPs, Muhyiddin can continue as prime minister.

They are trying to bring down Perikatan Nasional from the inside

And that is currently what they are trying to do. They are trying to split Perikatan Nasional but making Umno, PAS and PPBM fight each other. Of course, they will raise all sorts of excuses to fight — Umno being bullied, RM10,000 EPF withdrawals, six months loan repayment moratorium, and now the Covid-19 vaccine — but at the end of the day they are all mere excuses to fight.

As long as Umno, PAS and PPBM continue to unite, Pakatan Harapan is doomed. Pakatan Harapan’s future lies in the collapse of Perikatan Nasional. And, according to Mahathir, if you want to bring down the government, you must do it from the inside. If will be very difficult to bring the government down from the outside. Hence you need people inside the government to sabotage the government.

