Perikatan Nasional: patriots versus traitors

I would say those Malays who support DAP are penghianat kepada bangsa, negara dan agama. They are like the munafiq during the time of Prophet Muhammad who supported the kafir of Mekah against the Muslims of Medina. Are you one of those Malays?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I have noticed many comments on the internet and in the social media calling the PKR and PPBM people who are now in Perikatan Nasional as traitors. Whether these people are traitors or patriots depends on which side you are on.

For example, non-Muslims who convert to Islam are called “reverts” or “saudara baru” by the admirers of these converts. Why are converts to Islam called “reverts” or “saudara baru”? Should they not be called “traitors”, “frogs”, and so on?

Melayu yang penghianat kepada bangsa, negara dan agama

What about DAP people who leave DAP because they no longer share DAP’s racist politics? Are these people not penghianat, like non-Muslims who convert to Islam? Why are they hailed as heroes?

Before you insult PKR and PPBM people and call them traitors, frogs, penghianat, etc., take note of this fact:

The Americans call it the War of Independence (positive) while the British called it the Rebellion (negative). The British called the Americans “traitors” while the Americans call them “patriots”. They even made a movie called “The Patriot”, not “The Traitor”.

I would say those Malays who support DAP are penghianat kepada bangsa, negara dan agama. They are like the munafiq during the time of Prophet Muhammad who supported the kafir of Mekah against the Muslims of Medina. Are you one of those Malays?

Patriots to the Americans and traitors to the British

