Muhyiddin does not need a majority to stay in office

So, it does not matter if Muhyiddin has only 110 MPs behind him, as they claim. No one else has more than 100 MPs anyway. Hence that makes Muhyiddin the winner. Which part about this do the Pakatan Harapan people not understand?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PPBM won only 13 seats in the 2018 general election and with only 6% of the popular votes. However, this did not stop Pakatan Harapan from appointing Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister or PM7.

How could Mahathir become PM with only 13 seats in parliament and 6% of the popular votes?

Pakatan Harapan won only 45% of the popular votes. But then it was Pakatan Harapan’s 51% of the seats, not its 45% of the popular votes, that allowed Mahathir to become PM.

Hence it was never an issue when it came to Mahathir’s appointment as PM. So why is it an issue now?

In fact, Muhyiddin Yassin has more seats and more popular votes behind him compared to Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan in May 2018. Barisan Nasional and PAS control 50.59% of the popular votes. And if including PPBM, Perikatan Nasional controls 56.54% of the popular votes.

Is that not above 50.01%?

If they can oust Muhyiddin they would have done it by now

Pakatan Harapan keeps talking about the backdoor prime minister and the illegitimate government. They scream about not respecting the voters’ mandate. That is all nonsense, but somehow Malaysians are being fooled by this lie. Muhyiddin Yassin and Perikatan Nasional do have the majority, no two ways about it. The figures speak for itself.

They could have tested Muhyiddin’s and Perikatan’s majority in Parliament. They had 30 opportunities to do so. Why did they not do it? All they needed is for one of those 30 backdoor motions of confidence to succeed.

The reason they did not do it was because they did not have the numbers, as Anwar Ibrahim keeps claiming. It was all a bluff. And if they had tried to pass a backdoor motion of confidence in Parliament, it would have failed, and the lie would have been exposed.

So, they did not do it because they were not able to do it and for no other reason other than that.

They claim Muhyiddin does not have 111 MPs behind him (or 112 MPs if including himself). But why does Muhyiddin need 112 MPs to stay in office? Even with just 100 MPs, Muhyiddin can still stay in office — as long as no one else has more than 100 MPs behind him or her.

Mahathir, Anwar, Najib, Kit Siang, and so on, will never unite so Muhyiddin is pretty safe

In other words, if Muhyiddin has 100 MPs behind him while the balance 122 MPs are split between Dr Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Najib Tun Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Lim Kit Siang, etc., then Muhyiddin will control the largest minority. And that is all he needs to stay in office.

Dr Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Najib Tun Razak, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Lim Kit Siang, and all those others, will not combine their numbers to oust Muhyiddin. If not, it would have already been done by now. And they will not combine their numbers to oust Muhyiddin because they are worried about who will take over in the event Muhyiddin is ousted.

The issue is not about ousting Muhyiddin. The issue is: who is going to be PM9? That is more important than the issue of ousting Muhyiddin. And because they cannot address that issue, they will never oust Muhyiddin even if they have a total of 122 MPs against Muhyiddin’s 100 MPs.

So, it does not matter if Muhyiddin has only 110 MPs behind him, as they claim. No one else has more than 100 MPs anyway. Hence that makes Muhyiddin the winner. Which part about this do the Pakatan Harapan people not understand?

