Yearly Archives


The call for a political reset

Tuesday was a disappointing day for PH leaders and supporters, who had hoped that Budget 2021 will be defeated at the 3rd reading in Parliament and allow Pakatan Harapan (PH) to reclaim the…

The Pakatan agents in Umno

The objective is simple. They want to kill Umno by killing Perikatan Nasional, which means splitting Umno from PPBM and PAS. Only then will Umno die. In an alliance with PPBM and PAS, Perikatan…

Umno lawan Umno

Oleh Datuk Dr. Mohd Puad Zarkashi Tidak pelik Tun Faisal membela ‘Bossdia’ (Annuar Musa) kerana dia makan gaji. Dia pun ada lantikan board, sebab Bossdia Menteri. Boss mesti dipertahankan.…

Opposition heading for a split?

New political alliances could be in the offing with the fall out between Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Warisan in the federal opposition. (FMT) - Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) deputy dean…