No Perikatan Nasional: Umno going for three-corner contests in GE15

However, what is true and cannot be denied, the only way Pakatan Harapan can be assured of winning GE15 would be for three-corner (or more) contests against a split Umno, PPBM and PAS — in short, no Perikatan Nasional — and this appears to be what is going to happen.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There appears to be many contradicting statements being made by so many people. However, it is not clear whether they are merely giving their personal views or whether they speak on behalf of their respective parties or coalitions.

Muafakat Nasional does not exist — it is not legally registered but merely an aspiration. Perikatan Nasional does not exist — it is not legally registered but merely a move by PPBM and PAS to form a coalition without the agreement or endorsement of Umno. Umno will not agree to a coalition with PPBM — or with any party (such as PAS) that agrees to work with PPBM — and will go for three-corner (or more) contests in GE15.

READ MORE HERE: PAS Joined PN Without Our Nod, Says Umno’s Tajuddin

According to other Umno leaders, there are some in Umno who prefer to work with DAP and PKR than with PAS and PPBM. And they say secret negotiations are being held with DAP and PKR to agree to an electoral pact or coalition to face GE15.

There is talk that many Umno members are disillusioned with the confusion and contradicting statements by so many people claiming to be official spokesmen for Umno, and with the apparent lack of direction the party is suffering from, and hence are leaving the party.

Umno Youth, however, claims that PPBM is buying off Umno members, which is the reason they are leaving the party to join PPBM. How many Umno members have so far left the party to join PPBM was never revealed, though.

READ MORE HERE: Ahli Umno Dicuri’ – Bersatu Pertimbang Tindakan Undang-Undang Terhadap Asyraf

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, on the other hand, claims that Umno does not really have the 3.5 million members that it claims it has and the real membership list is about half that, while the other half are “phantom members” — created when Umno Baru was registered in 1988 for the purpose of claiming the old Umno’s assets.

Well, there are so many claims and counterclaims and so-called official statements being made by those claiming to be speaking on behalf of the party. So, which is fact, and which is fiction, is anyone’s guess.

READ MORE HERE: Tiada Kerjasama Dengan PPBM Pada PRU-15 – Tajuddin

However, what is true and cannot be denied, the only way Pakatan Harapan can be assured of winning GE15 would be for three-corner (or more) contests against a split Umno, PPBM and PAS — in short, no Perikatan Nasional — and this appears to be what is going to happen.

Menang sorak, kampung tergadai — or, as Mahathir said, to bring down Umno you need to do it from the inside, not from the outside.

READ MORE HERE: Perikatan Nasional To Disintegrate In GE15

