Anwar Ibrahim: full of theatrics but lacking substance

Anwar has no clue how to deliver what he is promising. More importantly, Anwar has no intention in delivering anything that he is promising. He is just talking to sound and look good. It is all just wayang. Anwar is Malaysia’s Greatest Showman, full of theatrics but lacking substance.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Today, Anwar Ibrahim is yet again going to court in an attempt to challenge Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s advice to His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong to declare an Emergency.

Why is Anwar doing this and what does he hope to achieve?

Basically, Anwar wants Parliament to be held next month so that he can push for a vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister and bring down the Perikatan Nasional government. Anwar hopes that once Muhyiddin is ousted and the government is toppled, he will take over as the new Prime Minister or PM9.

Anwar is Malaysia’s Greatest Showman, all theatrics but lacking substance

Anwar believes he can get more than 110 Members of Parliament (more than half the 220 MPs still alive) to support him if he tables a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin in Parliament. In fact, Anwar believes at least 125-135 MPs will support his motion of no confidence.

The reason Anwar believes 125-135 MPs will support his motion of no confidence is because he has DAP, PKR, Amanah and some Umno MPs with him who share his view that Muhyiddin and his Perikatan government must go.

So, does this mean that 125-135 MPs agree that Muhyiddin and Perikatan government must go and that Anwar must take over as PM9 with Pakatan Harapan (with the support of some Umno MPs) as the new government?

Not quite. Even if 125-135 MPs do really want Muhyiddin ousted, that does not mean these 125-135 MPs also want Anwar to take over and for Pakatan Harapan to replace Perikatan Nasional.

Opposing Muhyiddin is one matter. Agreeing that Anwar replace Muhyiddin is another matter. One does not translate to the other. There are those who want Muhyiddin out but not necessarily want Anwar as the new Prime Minister.

The problem with Anwar is he is full of theatrics but lacks substance. Okay, let us go along with the argument that Muhyiddin lacks what it takes to run the country. Let us agree that we need someone better to manage Malaysia. But in what way will Anwar be better?

Anwar (and his buddies in DAP) talks about accountability, transparency, competency, good governance, civil liberties, democracy, separation of powers, independence of the judiciary, an end to abuse of power, corruption, cronyism, and nepotism, and so on.

Anwar is a great entertainer but it is all a con job

Of course, all this sounds very “modern”, chic and canggih. But how is Anwar going to achieve all this? Shouting slogans and telling us how he is going to deliver what he is shouting about are two different matters.

Anwar is just Malaysia’s Greatest Showman. He is good at putting on a show. But he is totally clueless on how he is going to deliver what he is saying must be done.

Anwar is like a barking dog chasing a car. As long as the car keeps moving, the dog will continue to bark and to chase the car. However, if the car happens to stop for any reason, the dog will also stop running and stop barking. It will not know what to do once the car stops.

Anwar not only does not know how to deliver; he also does not intend to deliver. This is just like Pakatan Harapan’s GE14 Election Manifesto. They not only made promises which they did not intend to deliver, they also made promises which they know they cannot deliver even if they won the general election. (And Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad confirmed this).

Anwar will say anything to sound and look good. When he talks, he gives an impression he is well-read, learned, and a man of the world.

Anwar stole more money than what Jho Low did

Anwar is no better than Jho Low, nothing but a conman. In fact, Anwar stole more money than what Jho Low did. Those close to Anwar say what Jho Low stole is small money in comparison to what Anwar has hidden overseas in a certain German bank.

When Anwar talks about accountability, transparency, competency, good governance, civil liberties, democracy, separation of powers, independence of the judiciary, an end to abuse of power, corruption, cronyism, and nepotism, and much more, ask him to explain himself. Ask him for the details. Then see whether he can explain or not.

Pakatan Harapan was in government for almost two years. They promised so many things which they said they would deliver within 24 hours, within 30 days, within 100 days, within one year, and so on. In the end, they could not deliver anything. They could not even deliver the promise on punishing the person who caused the RM31.5 billion Bank Negara Forex loss even though the RCI had already come out with its findings.

Challenge Anwar on what he is promising. Ask him details on how he is going to deliver all his promises. How are accountability, transparency, competency, good governance, civil liberties, democracy, separation of powers, independence of the judiciary, an end to abuse of power, corruption, cronyism, and nepotism, etc., going to be achieved?

Anwar has no clue how to deliver what he is promising. More importantly, Anwar has no intention in delivering anything that he is promising. He is just talking to sound and look good. It is all just wayang. Anwar is Malaysia’s Greatest Showman, full of theatrics but lacking substance

