Why is Malaysia so corrupt?

Mahathir, Kit Siang, Anwar and all those Pakatan Harapan people yang sewaktu dengannya should shut up and stop repeating the symptoms of what is wrong with Malaysia and start discussing why Malaysia is in such a morally decaying state. Stop telling us WHAT is wrong with Malaysia. Instead, tell us WHY things are so wrong in Malaysia.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(FMT) – The opposition at that time, he said, was “led by people who were under suspicion and who have been tried in court for a lot of crimes”.
“So, the government (now) is backed up by people who have criminal records. And they seem to have powerful influence. So, the corruption in Malaysia has reached a very high level that endangers the government of this country,” he said.
Mahathir said the 1MDB scandal showed that an “entire government” could be bought, and it was at a very serious stage. He said this could lead to an administration that was either incompetent or one that is focused on power to be used as a means to enrich individuals.
The current Perikatan Nasional government, he claimed, “used a lot of money to buy support”.
Mahathir also said corruption had led to the fall of Barisan Nasional, something which he had predicted during his first stint as prime minister. Even then, people were being bribed for support.
BN lost control of the federal government in the 2018 general election.
“At that stage I had already warned them, but it is very difficult because the people were all wanting to become ministers and all that … they were prepared to even borrow money to bribe people.” (READ MORE HERE)

Sometimes I wonder how Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was able to become Malaysia’s Prime Minister for 22 years. Even more puzzling is how Pakatan Harapan can choose him as their Prime Minister in May 2018. This is a man who is totally devoid of logic and common sense.

A person is judged by the company he or she keeps. Hence, the fact that Pakatan Harapan chose Mahathir as their Prime Minister shows what type of people these Pakatan Harapan people are. Have they not heard the saying birds of a feather flock together?

Mahathir, just like Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim and all those Pakatan Harapan people yang sewaktu dengannya, keep repeating, again and again, what is wrong with Malaysia. And they keep repeating what are actually the symptoms of the disease — kleptocracy, failed state, abuse of power, corruption, money politics, nepotism, cronyism, cash is king, and so on and so forth.

Okay, even if it is true that Malaysia suffers from a disease called kleptocracy, failed state, abuse of power, corruption, money politics, nepotism, cronyism, cash is king, etc., all those are merely the symptoms of the disease. It is no use to keep repeating the symptoms of the disease. Everyone knows about those symptoms. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THOSE DISEASES?

Mahathir, Kit Siang, Anwar and all those Pakatan Harapan people yang sewaktu dengannya should shut up and stop repeating the symptoms of what is wrong with Malaysia and start discussing why Malaysia is in such a morally decaying state. Stop telling us WHAT is wrong with Malaysia. Instead, tell us WHY things are so wrong in Malaysia.

That graphic is from MCA’s website

That is the difference between thinkers like me and small-minded people like Mahathir, Kit Siang, Anwar and all those Pakatan Harapan people yang sewaktu dengannya. Thinkers like me ponder on the reason why things are what they are, and why things happen, whereas small-minded people like Mahathir, Kit Siang, Anwar and all those Pakatan Harapan people yang sewaktu dengannya just grumble and blame others for everything.

Even if it is true that Malaysia is in the pits and has gone to the dogs, this cannot have happened overnight or just over the last 11 months since Muhyiddin Yassin took over as Prime Minister and Perikatan Nasional became the government. Cancer takes years, sometimes decades to reach terminal level. You start smoking at 16 and die of lung cancer 50 years later at 66, not at 18.

Malaysia is suffering from a cancer. And the SYMPTOMS of this cancer are the kleptocracy, failed state, abuse of power, corruption, money politics, nepotism, cronyism, cash is king, and much more. But then what CAUSED this cancer — the kleptocracy, failed state, abuse of power, corruption, money politics, nepotism, cronyism, cash is king, etc?

If I want to write a detailed analysis of this issue, my essay would be 10,000-words long and most Malaysians have no time or patience to read a thesis. So let me try to condense it in just a few words.

I can sum up the problem in just one word: VALUES. Malaysians suffer from a moral-deficit problem. Malaysians lack moral values. We do not choose the moral high ground but the low road to materialism.

But then why are Malaysians like this? Why do Malaysians lack moral values? Why are Malaysians a bunch of immoral people?

Yes, when PAS talks about “nilai-nilai Islam”, you whack them and call them extremists, Taliban, and so on. Then you grumble about how immoral most Malaysians are. You do not want “nilai-nilai Islam”. You want a so-called “Secular” country where money is God. Hence that is what you now have. So STFU and live with it, losers.

