Umno wants to be the capo di tutti capi

No, this Umno-Bersatu skirmish is NOT about injustice, unfair treatment, kezaliman, victimisation, etc. It is about who shall be the capo di tutti capi, Umno or Bersatu? Umno was the capo di tutti capi for 75 years. Now they no longer give the orders but take orders. And that is not easy after being the capo di tutti capi for 75 years. It is a bitter pill to swallow. That is a life worse than death.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

In any warlord system, anywhere in the world, at any time in history, you have what is called a capo di tutti capi or the boss of all bosses.

You have the imam besar, the chief imam amongst the imams. You have the Agong, the first amongst equals or the Supreme (not the King, as most people think). You have the Yang di-Pertuan Besar or Yamtuan Besar (again who is the first amongst the equals).

In the military, you have the Supreme Commander, or the Chief of the Armed Forces, the head of all the different branches of the armed forces (which each have their own commanders or heads as well).

And Umno, Barisan Nasional, Muafakat Nasional, Perikatan Nasional, etc., are similarly parties or coalitions of warlords.

Sometimes there will be a gang war or a civil war due to a power struggle to determine who should be the new capo di tutti capi, especially when there is a power vacuum for whatever reason. It happened in Lebanon, in Afghanistan, in many of the African and Latin American countries, and so on.

Pakistan is another warlord country. So from time to time the capo di tutti capi is assassinated by the military or by unknown people or is sentenced to death by the court so that a new warlord can take over.

In Malaysia, only sometimes does one warlord assassinate another warlord to become the capo di tutti capi. Most times they will use the ‘court process’ to get rid of warlords

Some warlords have been sent to jail for being too ambitious or have been exposed for corruption or sexual misconduct. In Selangor this has happened more than once (maybe five or six times in history — even done by PKR-Pakatan Rakyat as well).

Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Perak, Kedah, Perlis, etc., have all seen warlords removed because they attempted to become the new capo di tutti capi. So the existing capo di tutti capi got rid of them.

Anwar Ibrahim is another example of a warlord who tried to oust the capo di tutti capi and ended up in jail instead.

Anyway, the point is, in politics, the underworld, the mafia, the yakuza, and so on, there will be warlords and there will be the chief of the warlords, the boss of all bosses, or the capo di tutti capi.

And, as far as Umno is concerned, they are the capo di tutti capi. PPBM or Bersatu, on the other hand, is acting like they are the capo di tutti capi. And this is something that Umno just cannot stomach.

After being the capo di tutti capi for 75 years, now you tell them they are no longer the boss of bosses because they lost GE14.

After being the capo di tutti capi for 75 years, now you tell them they are no longer the boss of bosses and that Bersatu is that new capo di tutti capi.

After being the capo di tutti capi for 75 years, now you tell them they are no longer the boss of bosses and that they are number two and need to take orders instead of giving orders.

After being the capo di tutti capi for 75 years, now you tell them they are no longer the boss of bosses and that they are no longer holding the post of Prime Minister and head of the Cabinet.

There is one ‘golden rule’ you need to observe if you wish to take over as the new capo di tutti capi from the old capo di tutti capi, especially one who has been the capo di tutti capi for 75 years, and that is the old capo di tutti capi must be killed off. If you allow him to live, he will not leave you alone and will haunt you every day of your life.

And this is what is happening in Malaysian politics. The old capo di tutti capi, Umno, has been replaced with the new, capo di tutti capi, Bersatu. And then the new capo di tutti capi, instead of killing off the old capo di tutti capi, went and invited the old capo di tutti capi to join the gang.

You cannot have two tigers on the same mountain. If a new tiger wants to take over the mountain, it will first need to kill the old tiger. The new tiger cannot share the mountain with the old tiger. It will not work.

So now the new capo di tutti capi needs to decide who will be the capo di tutti capi. Is the new capo di tutti capi going to be the capo di tutti capi or is the old capo di tutti capi going to be the capo di tutti capi? Decide once and for all.

And the one who wants to be the capo di tutti capi needs to kill off the other candidate for capo di tutti capi. That is all there is to it. If not, this constant bickering, bitching, moaning, groaning, grumbling and complaining will continue. It will never end until one of the two aspirants for capo di tutti capi is killed off.

No, this Umno-Bersatu skirmish is NOT about injustice, unfair treatment, kezaliman, victimisation, etc. It is about who shall be the capo di tutti capi, Umno or Bersatu? Umno was the capo di tutti capi for 75 years. Now they no longer give the orders but take orders. And that is not easy after being the capo di tutti capi for 75 years. It is a bitter pill to swallow. That is a life worse than death.
